The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 805 True and False Heroine VS Little Green Tea Villain (65)

"Fu Sinian."


"You like me, right?" Qin Xiang's voice was filled with a faint sense of anxiety and uncertainty.

Hearing this, Fu Sinian only felt helpless and funny.

"In your heart, am I such a casual person?" The man asked with a low chuckle.

Hearing this, Qin Xiang smiled with satisfaction, waiting for your words.

"So you like me, right?" Qin Xiang asked again.

Seeing Qin Xiang's appearance of not giving up until he got an answer, Fu Sinian curled his lips, "Well, I like you."

Hearing this, the corner of Qin Xiang's mouth curved even deeper.

"Since you like me, why didn't you promise me earlier?"

Fu Sinian: "..."

"Since you like me, why do you still want me to confess?"

"Do you know that girls have very thin skins? Do you know how much courage it took me to confess my love to you?"

"Do you know how panicked and disturbed I was when you sat there without saying a word?"

"Do you know how much I like you?"

"Do you know how uncomfortable I was when you didn't promise me just now?"

"do you know……"

Facing Qin Xiang's series of "do you know", Fu Sinian couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and his eyelids twitched wildly.

In order to stop Qin Xiang's chattering mouth, Fu Sinian lowered his head and kissed Qin Xiang's bright red lips.

lips together...

Eyes facing each other...

Qin Xiang blinked his big innocent eyes and looked at Fu Sinian eagerly.

Seeing that Qin Xiang's clear pupils were all reflected in him, for a moment, Fu Sinian's heart skipped a beat...

Under Fu Sinian's watchful eyes, Qin Xiang's eyebrows were curved, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

She reached out and hugged his neck, closed her eyes and kissed him actively...

Qin Xiang's initiative and enthusiasm made Fu Sinian stunned for a moment, but when he recovered, he was full of sweetness.

Between lips and teeth, Qin Xiang's whisper came...

"Fu Sinian, I like you, I like you so much."

Hearing this, the corners of Fu Sinian's mouth curved.

Then, Qin Xiang's next whisper came, and the sweetness on Fu Sinian's face was immediately replaced by helplessness.

"Fu Sinian, I don't dislike you at your age, so you must treat me well, and you must like me more than I like you!"

Fu Sinian: "..."

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as if you agreed!"


Then there is no more.

This afternoon, Qin Xiang, who was on the third floor, was eager to eat Fu Sinian's tofu and bully him vigorously.

Whenever Fu Sinian's body and emotions were on the verge of danger, she would immediately stop, either change the subject, or pretend to kiss his thin lips one after another to show comfort.

Not only that, but she also deserves a beating. When Fu Sinian's eyes became dangerous, as if he wanted to clean her up, Qin Xiang would deliberately say that this is a program group, that she was still young...

She didn't say it clearly, but all kinds of explicit hints made Fu Sinian's staring at her more and more dangerous.

In the end, of course, Qin Xiang was pressed on the sofa by Fu Sinian and cleaned up severely.

In the end, when Fu Sinian was in love, he stopped all actions, buried his face deeply into Qin Xiang's neck, and sniffed the faint fragrance of her body to calm his emotions...

"Fu Sinian."


"Fu Sinian."

"...Huh?" The man's voice rose at the end, with an unconscious provocation.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to call you..."

"I always feel that all the happiness now is not real..." Qin Xiang murmured softly.

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