The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 826 Cultivating Immortals: Master and Heroine VS Villain Disciple (6)

After briefly losing control, Jun Mo quickly controlled his emotions, raised his eyes and looked straight at Qin Xiang.

"Master, who is this?"

Qin Xiang introduced Dongfang Jing with a smile, "This is my new disciple, Dongfang Jing."




Newly recruited disciples.

Novice's disciple.

Oriental view.

"As a junior, from today on, Ah Jing, you must respect and take care of your senior brother."

Jun Mo: "...?"

Dongfang Jing: "...Okay, Master."

Under the complicated eyes of the two disciples, Qin Xiang flipped his hands and took out a top-grade spirit sword and handed it to Jun Mo.

"This is the top-grade spirit sword of the thunder attribute. It perfectly fits with your thunder spirit root. You can refine it into a natal spirit sword. This sword can be upgraded with the improvement of your cultivation base."

As soon as Qin Xiang said this, Dongfang Jing's eyes were full of envy, and he just looked eagerly at Jun Mo and the top-grade spirit sword in Jun Mo's hand.

A top-grade spirit sword of thunder attribute.

That is a treasure that only exists in legends.

Even with the centuries-old inheritance of their Dongfang family, there is no such rare treasure in the family treasure house.

Jun Mo suppressed the complexities in his eyes and the weird emotions in his heart, and raised his eyes calmly to look at Qin Xiang in front of him.

"The disciple thanked the master."

Qin Xiang nodded, and then checked his cultivation base and progress.

Realizing that in just three months, Jun Mo had broken through Qi training and reached foundation building, Qin Xiang couldn't help being surprised.

"As expected of a mutated Thunder Lingen, a genius that is rare to meet in ten thousand years, but in just three months, your cultivation has crushed all the disciples in the sect."

"Even for other talented Tianlinggen disciples in the sect, it will take at least three years and at most five years to build a foundation from enlightenment cultivation to breakthrough Qi training..."

Speaking of this, Qin Xiang paused, and then his complicated eyes fell on Dongfang Jing who was beside him.

"Ah Jing, you are not as good as your senior brother."

Jun Mo: "...?"

"Master???" Dongfang Jing looked skeptical about life.

"So Ah Jing, you must work hard to cultivate, and don't disturb your senior brother's cultivation when you are free."

"It's okay if your cultivation is delayed, anyway, your talent is not outstanding enough."

"But your senior brother is different. He has outstanding talent, and he should race against time to improve his cultivation. If you delay him, the teacher will definitely punish you!"

Jun Mo: "..."

"Disciple, I would like to follow Master's instruction." Dongfang Jing said pitifully, aggrieved.

"Just remember." Qin Xiang nodded in satisfaction.

"Since you have remembered, then you all should retreat."

In this way, both Jun Mo and Dongfang Jing were driven out of the cave by Qin Xiang.

The two stood outside the cave, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in front of them, both fell into a strange silence.

The two senior brothers looked at each other, Jun Moyou's deep eyes flashed with complex hatred that Dongfang Jing couldn't see clearly at this age.

On the contrary, Dongfang Jing couldn't hide his emotions because of his young age.

Thinking of Master's protection and eccentricity towards his senior brother, and thinking that his miserable situation is all because his senior brother is too good, when he thinks of these oriental scenes, he can't help feeling disgusted and repulsed by Jun Mo.

Dongfang Jing glared at Jun Mo viciously, let out a fierce and cold "hum", and then ran away without looking back...


Looking at the back of Dongfang Jing's wronged departure, Jun Mo stood motionless in place for a long, long time...

For a long time, his eyes were in a trance, and he felt unreal when he looked at the familiar environment around him.

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