The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 838 Cultivating Immortals: Master and Heroine VS Villain Disciple (18)

After noticing Jiang Rou'er's unfriendly eyes, Qin Xiang didn't care.

This Jiang Rou'er is just a spoiled young lady with poor cultivation. Even in the original plot, she only got her into the harem because she took the initiative to reciprocate enough.

Compared with the other beauties in Dongfangjing, this Jiang Rou'er is really not worth mentioning.

"Brother Jing, this woman is so young, what can she teach you?"

"Brother Jing, or you can go home with me, I will let my father teach you personally!"

"If it doesn't work, I'll go ask the ancestor!"

"Let the ancestor accept brother Jing as his apprentice!"

Hearing this, Qin Xiang smiled, but Dongfang Jing became more and more impatient.

"This is my master, the Seventh Elder of Xuanyuanmen."

"The Seventh Elder of Xuanyuanmen?"

"Qin Xiang?" Jiang Rou'er raised her voice unconsciously, and her surprised eyes fell on Qin Xiang.

Qin Xiang still smiled and said nothing. Seeing this, Dongfang Jing became even more angry.


Qin Xiang raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

Facing Shangdongjing's accusing gaze, Qin Xiang stood up pretending to understand.

"Master, I understand."

"It's the teacher and your senior brother who are here to influence you."

"In this case, as a teacher, I will take a step ahead with your senior brother. We will wait for your return at Wuwang Peak."

As soon as Qin Xiang said this, Dongfang couldn't sit still any longer, he quickly shook off Jiang Rou'er's hand, picked up the saber on the table, and hurriedly chased after Qin Xiang and Jun Mo .

"Master! You are too much!"

Dongfang Jing chased after Yujian, while angrily complaining.

Qin Xiang just glanced at him, "I'm helping you as a teacher, after all, that girl seemed to be sincere to you just now."

Dongfang Jing has a black face, "I only have the Dao in my heart, and there is no love between men and women."

Hearing this, Qin Xiang couldn't help but chuckled, and then asked: "Oh? Is that so? If that's the case, then why hasn't your cultivation moved?"

Dongfang Jing: "..." It hurts my heart.

At this moment, Jun Mo spoke.

"I think the younger brother thinks that cultivation is too simple, that's why he doesn't take it to heart."

Dongfangjing: "???"

"Brother, you are deliberately slandering me!"

Jun Mo glanced at him expressionlessly, and asked, "Which sentence slandered you?"

"I didn't think cultivation was easy!" Dongfang Jing retorted.

"Since that's the case, then why hasn't Junior Brother practiced and improved his cultivation for so long?"

"Knowing that cultivation is not easy, but still being so wasteful, with such a mind like my junior..."

Jun Mo didn't continue to say the following words, but the three people present knew it well.

The prosperity of the East is not good.

This time he really felt it.

Jun Mo is targeting him!

His big brother is deliberately targeting him!

"Brother, have I ever sinned against you?" Dongfang Jing couldn't help asking.

"..." Jun Mo glanced at him, and that glance was so deep that it was hard to see what was hidden inside.

Under Dongfang Jing's puzzled gaze, Jun Mo was silent for a moment and then said, "Never."

Dongfang Jing: "..." Since you have never offended you, why are you targeting me so much?

Dongfang Jing wanted to ask, but before he could ask, Qin Xiang waved his sleeves, and the three of them successfully returned to the top of Wuwang Peak.

As if to prevent him from chattering, Qin Xiang directly threw a talisman on him.

In the next second, Dongfang Jing discovered that he had returned to his cave at some point, while Qin Xiang and Jun Mo had long since disappeared...

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