The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 845 Cultivating Immortals: Master and Heroine VS Villain Disciple (25)

The faint fragrance of a strange yet familiar woman lingers on the tip of his nose, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity hits his heart, causing Jun Mo's heart to tremble...

The scent! ! !

"What kind of spice does Master use?" Jun Mo asked Qin Xiang, suppressing the surging emotions in his eyes.

Qin Xiang raised his hand and sniffed lightly, then asked with a chuckle, "Does it smell good?"

"En." Jun Mo locked Qin Xiang's eyes tightly, waiting for her reply.

"This spice is specially prepared by me with hundreds of flowers. I refined it into a elixir. I take one pill a day. It not only has the effect of retaining the face, but also helps in cultivation. It can also leave a faint scent on the body from the inside out. .”

Speaking of this, Qin Xiang paused, and seeing Jun Mo's "anticipating" appearance, she promised.

"If you like it, I will find some bamboo or fairy grass for the teacher in a few days, and I will make a special one for you."

After Qin Xiang finished speaking, Jun Mo didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Master, what you mean is that you prepared this spice yourself, and no one else in the world uses it?" Jun Mo asked tremblingly.

"Naturally." Qin Xiang gave him a strange look, "Is there something wrong with this spice?"

something wrong.

Of course there are problems.

In his previous life, when he was wounded by Dongfang Jing and was dying, someone secretly rescued him from Wuwang Peak and sent him to the Demon Realm when he was in a coma.

Back then, he couldn't figure out who would save him.

The person who rescued him never left any traces.

He only vaguely remembered the faint fragrance that lingered at the tip of his nose when the other party approached and supported him.

Later he also tried to find...


In the previous life, the fragrance on her body was obviously not like this.

Thinking of this, Jun Mo Ruju's eyes fell on Qin Xiang again.

"Is what Master said just now true?"

Facing Jun Mo's questioning, Qin Xiang looked at him strangely.

"Why did the teacher lie to you?"

"This spice has been used by teachers for almost a hundred years."

"Ah Mo, you look so strange?"

"Do you have something to hide as a teacher?"

Facing Qin Xiang's questioning, Jun Mo just remained silent.

After a long while, he said lightly: "Disciple is fine, thank you for worrying, Master."

[Jun Mo's favorability is increased by 5, and the current favorability is -25. 】

[Jun Mo's favorability is increased by 10, and the current favorability is -15. 】

[Jun Mo's favorability is increased by 20, and the current favorability is 5. 】

Although the truth was unbelievable and difficult to accept, he still accepted and believed it.

Because, he found sadly that no one would protect him and save him except Qin Xiang, his master.

The Jun family didn't want him to go back at all.

His parents never cared about his life or death.

Not long before he was targeted by Dongfang Jing, the news of the ancestor's death just came from Jun's house.

In that family... no one will miss him anymore.

After thinking through these, other doubts emerged in Jun Mo's mind.

But these were all suppressed by him.

Glancing at the roiling emotions in Jun Mo's eyes, Qin Xiang lowered his eyes, and the corners of his mouth hooked slightly.

It seems that I just believed it, but I haven't figured it out yet.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiang was not in a hurry.

This place is a paradise that Jun Mo is familiar with, and he led Qin Xiang to a cold pond.

"here is?"

"The location of the formation eye is also the place where the spiritual pulse of this cave heaven and blessed land hovers." Jun Mo explained.

"Master, this cold pond is of great benefit to your cultivation, and this disciple can protect the Dharma for you." Jun Mo said.

Hearing this, Qin Xiang shook his head and refused.

"As a teacher, my cultivation has reached the bottleneck. This cold pool is useless to me, but it is of great benefit to you."

Saying that, without waiting for Jun Mo to say anything more, Qin Xiang waved his sleeves and threw him into the cold pool...

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