The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 847 Cultivating Immortals: Master and Heroine VS Villain Disciple (27)

When Jun Mo rushed to the cave, "Dongfang Jing" and Jiang Rou'er had already finished fighting.

At this time, Dongfang Jing was overjoyed because of the harvest of "treasures".

Seeing Dongfang Jing so excited, Jiang Rou'er was very confused.

She doesn't understand, it's just a little bug, why is Brother Jing so happy?

"Brother Jing, what is this bug?"

Facing Jiang Rou'er's questioning, Dongfang Jing glanced at her and didn't want to talk to her.

But thinking of Jiang Rouer's admiration and maintenance for his body, Dongfang Jing felt that the other party could use it.

After all, as a man, if he came forward to approach those women, the other party would be more or less wary.

But if Jiang Rou'er was allowed to come forward, her girl's violent temper would already make people impatient, and it would be inevitable that she would not be too guarded against her.

Thinking about Jiang Rou'er's intimate relationship with him just now, she clearly realized that he had absorbed her cultivation but she didn't complain, "Dongfang Jing" naturally had a lot more affection and trust for her.

"This is love Gu."

"It is a love Gu specially cultivated by the demon guardians for the sweetheart."

"Love Gu?" Jiang Rou'er asked in surprise.

"Could it be that this is the legendary love Gu that can control people's hearts?"

"Rou'er is really smart."

The praise of "Oriental View" made Jiang Rou's face even more surprised.

"But why is there such a love gu here?" Jiang Rou'er asked subconsciously.

Hearing this, "Oriental View" couldn't help suppressing the joy in his heart, frowning and pondering.


This piece of paradise has been sealed here after his death.

Could it be that some demons have been here during the years when he was in a deep sleep?

Thinking of this, Dongfang Jing subconsciously looked around, trying to get in touch with this blessed place.

But he is no longer the all-powerful Lingxu Shangxian in the past, and this piece of paradise has never recognized him as the master again.

In the face of his message, this piece of Paradise and Paradise is completely silent.

After finding nothing, "Eastern View" couldn't help frowning, feeling violent in his heart.

Thinking about his status and cultivation in the past, and comparing his current situation, such a huge gap is really hard for him to accept.

Seeing Dongfang Jing's unkind expression, Jiang Rou'er knew that she had said something wrong, and quickly and tenderly threw herself into Dongfang Jing's embrace.

"Brother Jing, I'm sorry, Rou'er is talking too much."

"No matter why this love gu appears here, it can be obtained by Brother Jing, that is also the blessing of this love gu."

It has to be said that Jiang Rou'er's posture of lying down and being small is very popular with "Oriental View".

After all, his former cultivation base and glory are long gone. Jiang Rou'er's cultivation base is obviously higher than him, but she is still willing to support him. As a machismo, "Dongfang Jing" is naturally very happy and likes him very much. this type of relationship.

"Brother Jing, how are you going to use this love gu?" Jiang Rou'er asked suddenly.

Hearing this, the eyes of "Dongfangjing" flickered, and from the corner of his eyes, he noticed the jealousy flashing in Jiang Rou'er's eyes, and there was still something he didn't understand.

"This love Gu is a good thing to control people, but I only have Rou'er in my heart, so this love Gu is naturally useless to me."

I have to say that Jiang Rou'er really likes this.

"Brother Jing, you are so annoying."

"Brother Jing, Rou'er only has you in her heart."

"Brother Jing, Rou'er will only love you in this life."

"Brother Jing, Rou'er loves you..."

"Hmm... um..."

As we talked, the two got tired of being together again...

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