The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 861 Cultivating Immortals: Master and Heroine VS Villain Disciple (41)

"Cultivation is rising fast."

"But what can you do to me?"

As soon as Dongfang Jing finished speaking, Jun Mo immediately felt the threat coming from behind.

Jun Mo turned around and grabbed Qin Xiang's hand, his deep black eyes stared straight at Qin Xiang.

"Master, do you still remember what you promised your disciple?"

Facing Jun Mo's questioning, Qin Xiang's blank eyes finally recovered a little clarity.


She promised him...

As long as she was alive, she would never hurt him.

she promised...

Thinking of this, Qin Xiang's dazed eyes gradually regained clarity, followed by painful struggles.

Her face was no longer empty and numb, her emotions fluctuated, and her hand that was trying to attack Jun Mo trembled and was withdrawn.

"No, can't hurt..."

"No, you can't!" Qin Xiangwu murmured to himself.

[Jun Mo's favorability is increased by 2, and the current favorability is 79. 】

"Master..." As soon as Jun Mo spoke, glaring blood flowed down the corner of Qin Xiang's mouth.

"Master!" Jun Mo was shocked.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Jing laughed proudly again.


"Just because you still want to resist the control of love gu."

"A fool's dream!"

"If it weren't for your strong cultivation base, I'm afraid that you would have been eaten away by the love Gu long ago, and there would be no bones left!"

As soon as Dongfang Jing finished speaking, a sharp sword energy ushered in the attack.

This time it was obviously different from the previous time when he was restricted everywhere at Xuanyuanmen Wuwang Peak.

This time, Jun Mo's murderous hands are everywhere, as if he has gone crazy.

Facing a lunatic like Shang Junmo, even Dongfang Jing panicked.

"Jun Mo, if you kill me, Qin Xiang will not survive!"

"Once the mother Gu host dies, the mother Gu will explode and die."

"When the mother Gu dies, the child Gu must die as well as its host!"

"Jun Mo, you have to think clearly!"

"Qin Xiang got the love gu in order to save you. It's fine if you don't repay her. Are you going to kill her yourself now?"

While dodging Jun Mo's deadly attack in a panic, Dongfang Jing threatened Jun Mo with verbal warnings.

However, Jun Mo turned a deaf ear to his threat.


Dongfang Jing was a second too late to dodge the dangerous sword, and a hole was stabbed in his heart by Jun Mo!

Dongfang Jing clutched his chest, looking at Jun Mo's crazy appearance with disbelief.


"You are a lunatic!" After all, there was still a trace of fear of Jun Mo in the eyes of the cursing Dongfang Jing.

Faced with Jun Mo's relentless offensive, Dongfang Jing was forced to have no choice but to control the women around him one after another to block the sword and die for him.


"Ah Jing, save me!"

"Brother Jing, save me!"

"Brother Jing, I don't want to die, save me!"

The wailing sounds of the women kept ringing out one after another...

However, neither Jun Mo nor Dongfang Jing was moved.

Where Jun Mo's sharp sword passed, corpses fell one after another.

Looking at the pale faces of those women, Qin Xiang's eyes flickered invisibly the moment he suddenly woke up before dying.


[Yes, host. 】

"Put the curse of rebirth, and send them to Wangchuan to reincarnate."

[Okay, host. 】The system happily agreed.

It knows that its host is kind-hearted, and the most soft-hearted will love others.

The kung fu practiced by Dongfang Jing is tainted with causality, and the woman who was harvested by him to supplement yang lost not only her cultivation, but also her spirit, luck, and merit.

People with incomplete mind and soul cannot pass through the river of forgetfulness, let alone re-enter reincarnation.

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