The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 863 Cultivating Immortals: Master and Heroine VS Villain Disciple (43)

"The system...forget it, you better stop talking."

[…] The system that was about to use the newly learned sweet talk was suddenly choked.

Ignoring the system's grievances, Qin Xiang flew directly in front of Dongfang Jing.

Jun Mo: "..."

Dongfangjing: "???"

It seems that he hasn't had time to stimulate the mother gu in his body...

Dongfang Jing was guarded by Qin Xiang with a dazed face, and watched Qin Xiang defeat Jun Mo's natal spirit sword several times with "swish swish swish".


The natal spirit sword let out a desperate wail, and was finally defeated and returned to Jun Mo's hands.

Jun Mo also suffered backlash because of the natal spirit sword, and a glaring stream of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Jun Mo just looked at Qin Xiang like this, his eyes full of injuries.

"Master, you promised me..." Jun Mo said softly.

Hearing this, Qin Xiang's bewildered eyes seemed to regain some clarity.

After her eyes touched the blood at the corner of Jun Mo's mouth, her pupils shrank violently.

Then the next second...

A scene that no one expected happened.

Qin Xiang reached out and grabbed Dongfang Jing's neck...

"Master, stop!"

After realizing what Qin Xiang was going to do, Jun Mo couldn't go on acting anymore.

He stepped forward in a panic, trying to stop Qin Xiang's crazy behavior.

However, Qin Xiang didn't give him a chance to stop him at all, and with one hand forming a claw, he directly attacked Dongfang Jing's heart...

The sound of five fingers piercing through flesh and blood sounded...

Dongfang Jing's face was pale from the pain, his eyes turned black, and finally fell into a coma due to the pain.

When Qin Xiang's five fingers fell into Dongfang Jingxin's mouth, at the very moment, a long and slender hand with well-defined joints restrained her.

"Master, I don't blame you."

"Master, listen to me, can you let go?"

"Dongfang Jing has passed out, we have caught him, and the love gu can be expelled."

"Master... Be good..."

Under Jun Mo's comfort, the spiritual power in Qin Xiang's hands gradually dissipated, and finally she closed her eyes and fell down limply.

Jun Mo took her into his arms, and with the other hand he held Dongfang Jing's collar, and flew back to the City Lord's Mansion.

In the alchemy furnace.

Qin Xiang's eyes were tightly closed, and she lay pale in the alchemy stove. Beside her was Dongfang Jing who was tied into rice dumplings.

At this moment, Dongfang Jing has been awakened by Jun Mo, and he is suffering from the pain of being burned by the spiritual fire, as well as the heart-piercing pain and despair of the mother Gu struggling wildly and wantonly in his body, trying to break out of his body.


"Jun Mo, you bastard!"

"If you have the ability, you kill me!"

The pain made the "Eastern View" who was not tough at all scream, growl, and scream hysterically.

However, Jun Mo, who he kept talking about, was expressionless, his eyes were cold, and he didn't have the slightest mood swing.

Even because Dongfang Jing still had the strength to swear, Jun Mo accelerated the transmission of spiritual power, making the spiritual fire burn more vigorously.

With the burning of the spiritual fire, the mother Gu in Dongfang Jing's body struggled harder and harder!

At this moment, an unknown object suddenly appeared under the flesh of Dongfang Jing's neck, continuously moving forward and crawling upward...

Under Dongfang Jing's face...

Finally came to the eyebrow of Dongfangjing.

The buttocks between the eyebrows bulged, and eventually the skin burst and bleed, and a blood-colored bug burst out, making a sharp sound...


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