The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 883 Rich Family: The Gentle Daughter VS The Heartthrob Villain (4)

He dug out the gastric medicine in the drawer and swallowed it in one gulp.

After a while, the cramping sensation in his stomach gradually subsided, and then Lu Che picked up the folder on the table again...

For some reason, Lu Che's hand holding the folder paused invisibly.

After a second of pause, Lu Che turned his head and looked at a familiar figure beside the laptop...

The boiled egg he brought to the company.

Qin Xiang's advice for breakfast came to mind.


[Lu Che's favorability is increased by 1, and the current favorability is 23. 】

The moment the special assistant pushed the door open, when he saw the scene in the office clearly, he froze at the door, not knowing whether to go in or not.

Lu Che calmly swallowed the last bite of egg in his hand, and glanced coldly over the special assistant.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Boss Lu, here is a document that needs your signature." The special assistant walked up to Lu Che uncomfortably, and handed over the document in his hand.

Lu Che took it and glanced at the general content and details of the contract. After confirming that it was correct, he signed it several times with "swish swish swish".

"Go out."

After receiving the contract handed over by Lu Che, the special assistant turned around in a daze, but within two steps, he couldn't help turning his head to look over.

"President, did you just... really eat eggs?"

Lu Che glanced at him, "Is there any question?"

Special assistant: "...No, no."

The special assistant left, and the moment he left the CEO's office, the next second, all kinds of gossip spread throughout the company group that the Lu family was about to welcome the president's wife...

[Fuck shit! what's the situation? Boss Lu actually eats boiled eggs? 】

【I always thought that Lu was always a fairy (devil) who only drank dew (coffee). 】

[I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to eat the same food as a billionaire who is worth hundreds of billions! ! ! 】

[Yeah, I suddenly feel that the value of boiled eggs has changed, and they have become taller in an instant! 】

【I made a decision! I'm having ten hard boiled eggs for lunch today! ! ! 】

[Poached eggs are not the point, are they? Isn't the point the one who cooked the boiled eggs for Boss Lu? 】

[Future boss lady? 】

[Probably not, I think Mr. Lu bought it on the side of the road, right? 】

[Upstairs, what are you kidding? Mr. Lu lives in a high-end villa area, and even if it is near our company, is there anyone selling boiled eggs? If there are, I will buy twenty of them after get off work at noon! ! ! 】

[I also think the origin of this boiled egg should be extraordinary. After all, President Lu usually never eats breakfast, let alone eat in the office, and today is the first time. 】

[What can make Mr. Lu break his usual way of life is definitely not something a small boiled egg can do. I also blindly guess that it is a person or an egg who changed Mr. Lu! 】

While these people were constantly guessing and arguing, a woman was staring at the door of Lu Che's office.

Qin Xiang!

It must be her!

It was Lu Che who took her away yesterday!

Xiao Wei never imagined that her hard work didn't destroy Qin Xiang, but Qin Xiang and Lu Che were fulfilled?

As soon as she thought about what might happen to Qin Xiang and Lu Che last night, Xiao Wei couldn't help but tremble all over with anger, and the hand holding the phone kept trembling.

Fortunately, she held back and did not smash the phone to vent on the spot.

There was a "dong dong dong" knock on the door, and Lu Che looked at the head of the document in his hand without even lifting it.

"Come in."

"President, your coffee."

"En." Lu Che responded casually, but still didn't look up.

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