The Heroine is a Real Boss

Chapter 886 Rich Family: The Gentle Daughter VS The Heartthrob Villain (7)

Wen Shizhi insisted on sending the original owner to the hospital, but under the control of the medicine, how could the original owner control himself...

Coupled with Wen Shi's half-pushing and half-doing, everything happened naturally...

As Xiao Wei and Wen Shizhi expected, after the incident happened, the original owner offered to dissolve the engagement.

Lu Che and the original owner were originally married. Seeing that the original owner was unwilling, he did not force it, and the Lu family was the same.

After the marriage contract was broken, Xiao Wei was completely unscrupulous and launched a fanatical pursuit of Lu Che.

Wen Shizhi also pursued the original owner, apologizing to the original owner in various ways, pursuing warmly, and offering to be responsible to the original owner.

Wen Shi has a good age, and he is a man who has taken away the innocence of the original owner. He has performed very well in front of the original owner. He is a gentleman in terms of character and behavior. He seems to be a person worthy of entrusting him for life.

In the end, with Wen Shizhi's efforts, not only the original owner recognized him, but even the Qin family recognized him.

Get engaged, get married.

The moment the marriage certificate was obtained, the original owner's threat to Xiao Wei was completely removed.

Wen Shizhi finally didn't have to act anymore.

night out...

Accompany Xiao Wei in an upright manner, protect Xiao Wei, and help Xiao Wei approach and pursue Lu Che.

Facing the original owner's concern, Wen Shizhi was very annoyed, and didn't even maintain the basic decency.

Once, Wen Shizhi and Xiao Wei quarreled and got drunk at the bar. The original owner found him and took him home to take care of him.

However, Wen Shizhi went berserk at the original owner, told all the truth... and told the original owner to leave.


After that night, the original owner disappeared.

Wen Shizhi woke up and remembered that he didn't care about everything last night, and he didn't take it seriously when the original owner disappeared.

A few months later, facing the divorce agreement sent by the original owner, Wen Shizhi signed it without any hesitation.

after that……

Xiao Wei failed to pursue Lu Che, but was heartbroken by Lu Che's refusal.

While the men headed by Wen Shizhi felt sorry for Xiao Wei, they also angrily retaliated against Lu Che and the Lu family...

This is also the origin of Lu Che's villain status.

A man who made the false heroine Xiao Wei fall in love with, he even singled out the false heroine and all the male protagonists, and won the final victory.

Xiao Wei and her men were all suppressed by Lu Che and lost everything.

After losing everything for Xiao Wei, Wen Shizhi, the former hero, finally wakes up and realizes that he has fallen in love with "Qin Xiang" without knowing it.

Later, it was Wen Shizhi who tried every means to find the original owner, trying to reconcile with the original owner...

After receiving the plot, Qin Xiang has a better impression of Lu Che.

After all, he is a man that Xiao Wei cannot love, has never been defiled by Xiao Wei, and is even a man who avenges the original owner.

"Dong dong dong" knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Glancing at the time on his watch, Lu Che put down the document in his hand, pinched his eyebrows, and looked up at the door.

After seeing the person who opened the door and came in, Lu Che paused his hands, showing surprise.

"How did you come?"

"I don't know what you like to eat, so I made a few dishes that are good for digestion and stomach. Would you like to try them?"

Qin Xiang said as he stepped forward, opened the food box in his hand, took out the food inside and placed them in front of Lu Che one by one.

Looking at the rich dishes on the table, a slight surprise flashed in Lu Che's eyes.

"Don't bother..." Lu Che subconsciously said.

"No trouble." Before Lu Che could finish speaking, Qin Xiang interrupted him.

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