The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1001 Fried little meat VS Princess

"And the script in my hand has been suppressed for many years. If I really couldn't find the right candidate, I would really be reluctant to let it go."

"Boy Ningze, I'm telling you the truth. As long as you promise me, I guarantee that this girl will become famous with this drama and even win an award. Do you believe it?"

Hearing this, Ning Ze smiled lightly and said, "I believe it. I still believe in Director Liang's strength."

"Then let's just say this..." It's settled.

"But, I still can't agree."

Just when Director Liang was excitedly preparing to give Ning Ze a high-five, Ning Ze's "but" made Director Liang almost vomit blood on the spot.

"No, I asked you, why are you so stubborn? Just do your best and help me, this old man, do you think that's okay?"


Director Liang: "..." No more love! ! !

Facing Ning Ze's lack of fuel and salt, Director Liang was also very angry with him.

"I won't tell you, and I'm not looking for you to shoot anyway. I'll go find the girl and tell it myself!" With that, Director Liang walked towards the dressing room nearby.

When Ning Ze saw it, his eyes darkened, and he immediately strode forward and stopped at the door of the dressing room before Director Liang.

Seeing Ning Ze's actions, Director Liang also laughed angrily.

"I said, what do you want to do? You and that girl haven't confirmed their relationship yet, right? Even if they do, you don't have the right to decide for her how to live her life, right?"

"Hurry up, get out of my way!" Director Liang yelled, planning to push Ning Ze away.

Seeing the look on his face that he had decided that Leng Su must be her, Ning Ze quickly said: "I'll go tell her and let her reject you in person!"

With that said, Ning Ze didn't wait for Director Liang to respond to him, opened the door directly and entered the dressing room, then closed the door with a bang and locked it.

Director Liang: "..." He has a saying about MMP that I don't know whether to take seriously or not! ! !

Looking at the closed door in front of him and thinking about what Ning Ze said just now, Director Liang was really angry and laughed.

What does "I'll go and tell her and let her reject you in person" mean? ? ?

In this Z country, how many people wanted to film the movie directed by Liang Shaoliang, but when they met Ning Ze, he, Liang Shaoliang, was so eager to be disliked? ? ?

After Director Liang stood outside the dressing room for a few seconds, he finally sighed and turned back to the filming location.

In the dressing room, Leng Su was holding Ning Ze's phone and scrolling through his Weibo, looking at the interesting messages from his fans.

"What? Are you interested in this?" At some point, Ning Ze suddenly stood behind her and asked her.

Hearing this, Leng Su looked at his phone and then at him: "Mobile phones are quite fun."

"I'm not talking about mobile phones, I'm talking about, what do you think of being a star? There are so many fans who like and follow you. Do you like this feeling?" Ning Ze asked.

Hearing this, Leng Su frowned slightly, then shook his head: "It's okay, there's nothing I like or dislike."

After all, she had done work in the entertainment industry before, so she was familiar with everything in this industry and liked it, but it was just so-so.

After all, she is not a young person who knows nothing.

She knows very well that she can gain a lot by entering this circle, but at the same time, she will also lose a lot, such as free love, etc...

Seeing her answering his questions seriously, Ning Ze couldn't help but smile. He squatted down beside her, took her hands and said.

"Director Liang just told me that he has a very good script in his hand and wants you to act in it. If nothing else, it should be the heroine. What... do you think?" Ning Ze asked slightly uneasily.

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