The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1017 The ancestor of the clan VS the paranoid young apprentice (2)

The plot ends here, and Leng Su's mission is to bring back the distorted destiny.

Rescued the male protagonist Lin Xiuya from Lin Xiunan, accepted him as his personal disciple, taught him, conquered him, and then expelled the outsider Lin Xiunan, and finally took Lin Xiuya to ascend to the fairy world together...

It's not too early for Leng Su to enter the plot this time, because the male protagonist Lin Xiuya's mutated thunder spirit root has been taken away and is now trapped in Lin Xiunan's space.

Thinking of this, Leng Su gets a headache...

Currently, the original owner of her body happens to be in retreat.

If she wanted to save Lin Xiuya now, she would have to force her way out and encounter a certain backlash.

But if she didn't save him, then according to the development of the plot, Lin Xiuya would definitely not survive for a few days.

Thinking of this, Leng Su no longer hesitated, immediately opened his eyes and forced out of the seclusion.


Sure enough, as soon as he broke through the barrier, a mouthful of hot blood spurted out.

Fortunately, she is not the original owner, she is Leng Su, she has space and spiritual water!

As she turned her hands, a bowl of spiritual spring water appeared in her palm. After drinking it, she mobilized her spiritual power to tear at the air in front of her.

In an instant, a small black hole in space suddenly appeared in the originally good air, and then became bigger and bigger...

It wasn't until the black hole was big enough to accommodate her body that Leng Su walked in casually.

Here, in Lin Xiunan's space, Lin Xiuya, who was only ten years old, was lying on the grass dying.

He opened his eyes weakly, looking at the blue sky above his head. He was wearing shabby and dirty clothes, and his hair was spread out on the ground.

When Leng Su appeared, Lin Xiuya didn't react at first. It wasn't until she got closer that his calm black eyes looked at her.

"..." He looked at her quietly without saying a word.

I don’t know if it was because of the big change this time, but Lin Xiuya showed a maturity that was completely beyond his true age...

Seeing him like this, I'm afraid he won't take the initiative to speak.

Leng Su had no choice but to extend his hand to him and said, "Will you follow me?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiuya's unruffled black eyes flickered, looked at her and asked, "What is your purpose?"

Upon hearing this, Leng Su couldn't help but feel a little sour in his heart.

This child was obviously only ten years old, but his mind was so precocious that she felt heartbroken.

"I looked at the stars last night and calculated that you and I are destined to be masters and disciples. Only through this master-disciple fate can I attain enlightenment and ascend to the immortal world."

Lin Xiuya: "..."

Looking at Lin Xiuya's silence, for some reason, Leng Su couldn't help but think of the words "I'll just watch you pretending to be cool"...

Time passed bit by bit, and Leng Su and Lin Xiuya were in a stalemate in the space.

You looked at me, I looked at you, no one said a word, no one made any other action first.

While the two were in a stalemate, the barrier Leng Su had set up around them suddenly felt a burst of light, and waves of light came from somewhere behind Lin Xiuya.

Vaguely, they also heard conversations coming from outside.

"They are coming." Leng Su looked at Lin Xiuya deeply and said.

After hearing this, the expression of the boy in front of her remained unchanged, and he still looked at her quietly without saying a word.

Seeing this, Leng Su couldn't help but frown slightly. Just when she was wondering whether to take the person away by force, a cold touch suddenly came from her fingertips...


PS: [End of sixth update] Good night, okay (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

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