The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1022 The ancestor of the clan VS the paranoid young apprentice (7)

Lin Xiuya frowned slightly and glanced helplessly at Leng Su. Then he stretched out his fingertips and flicked them, and a very light purple spiritual power flew out.


In an instant, the paper crane exploded, and a rich middle-aged male voice came from it.

"Ancestor, the sect's disciple selection once every hundred years will be held in three days. I wonder if our ancestor will be there to participate?"

Facing the sect master's voice that suddenly sounded in his ears, Leng Su couldn't help but trembled, and then looked at Lin Xiuya in front of him with a confused expression.

"Is the sect master coming?" Leng Su asked with a confused look.

Lin Xiuya: "..."

How did such an unreliable person survive to this day?

How could he actually become the ancestor of the Zhen Sect, the number one sect in the world of cultivation?

Under Leng Su's gaze, Lin Xiuya shook his head expressionlessly, indicating that the sect leader was not here.

"Not coming?" Leng Su was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Is it the sound-transmitting paper crane?"

"..." Lin Xiuya nodded.

"Oh." Leng Su responded.

Then, she looked at Lin Xiuya helplessly and asked, "Apprentice, it's been three months, why don't you talk to me?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiuya looked at her expressionlessly and said nothing.

Leng Su: "..." We can't survive this day, let's break up! ! !

Since Leng Su was here, Lin Xiuya stopped practicing and started practicing some small spells.

Seeing this, Leng Su asked again: "Disciple, do you think this disciple should go to be selected as a master?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiuya remained expressionless and continued to practice the small spell in his hand with a calm expression.

Leng Su: "..." He is really mute! ! !

Seeing that the favorability value was still 0, Leng Su was very angry and helpless.

Looking at Lin Xiuya who was still practicing small spells with an expressionless face in front of him, Leng Su's eyes flashed, he gritted his teeth and said suddenly.

"Apprentice, I have decided to send you to participate in the disciple selection!"


Hearing this, Lin Xiuya finally stopped the small spell in his hand this time, looked at her expressionlessly, and shook his head in rejection.

Seeing this, Leng Su smiled mischievously: "Are you sure you don't want to go?"

"..." Lin Xiuya still shook his head.

Seeing this, Leng Su was neither angry nor persuasive. Instead, he talked about other things as if unintentionally.

"I had nothing to do the past two days, so I went to the foot of the mountain to see who had come to participate in the disciple selection. Strangely enough, I actually saw a very strange boy among those children.

My teacher discovered that the child is not only the same bone age as you, my apprentice.

Even the spiritual roots are exactly the same mutated thunder spirit roots! "

When Leng Su said this, he clearly noticed Lin Xiuya's suddenly stiff expression from the corner of his eye.

Seeing this, Leng Su felt proud...

Leng Su: "..." I told you not to speak, to pretend to be cold, to ignore me! ! !

"Moreover, my teacher also discovered something..."

At this point, Leng Su chose to stop abruptly, then looked at Lin Xiuya with a proud look on his face and asked, "Apprentice, do you want to know the follow-up?"

"Master, I won't embarrass you. As long as you say the word 'think', I will continue talking."

Hearing this, Lin Xiuya glanced at her lightly, then looked away, and continued to turn his hands over, practicing various small spells with various gestures.

Leng Su: "..." No more love, no more love at all! ! !

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