The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1071 The cool school beauty VS the

In the past few years, ever since Wen Yu got used to her presence, his favorability score has been stuck at 50 points.

Now, with her living on campus in college, coupled with the stimulation of immigration just now, and the appearance of male supporting actor Ye Ting, she believes that winning Wen Yu is just around the corner!

Thinking about it like this, she felt very good, and the curve of the corners of her mouth became wider.

Freshman class one.

When Leng Su arrived, most of the students who were supposed to be in the classroom were already there.

In the classroom, everyone is greeting each other and getting to know each other.

After seeing Leng Su's arrival, the eyes of the boys in the classroom lit up, while the girls were filled with envy and jealousy.

"Who is this person? Why haven't I heard of any family in the Imperial Capital that has such a number one person?"

"They should be from some small families. If they are really from our circle, how could there be no news at all..."

"That's right. If they were really from our circle, wouldn't we have received the news about Ye Ting and Shen Weiqi a long time ago?"

"Hey, this prince is talking about an aristocratic school, but in the end, a bunch of small families tried their best to squeeze in."

The voices of these girls were not quiet when they talked. It was obvious that their words were meant for Leng Su.

Leng Su raised his eyebrows and looked at these girls dressed up in a funny way.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Looking at the clothes these people were wearing and the makeup on their faces, Leng Su couldn't help but sigh.

This is just your freshman year, right?

Are you still a student?

According to what they just said, these people should have good family backgrounds...

But look at their attire, half-clothed and flamboyant, people who don’t know would think they are the dancers in the bar or the bartenders!

After Leng Su looked her up and down so thoughtfully, and seeing the undisguised look of disgust on her face, the faces of the girls changed drastically.

Deeply feeling that they were looked down upon by Leng Su and insulted, they decided to find fault with Leng Su and get their place and face back!

"What are you looking at?"

"That's right, just by looking at your poor appearance, I can tell that you have definitely never worn the big brands that my sister is wearing!"

"That's right, our Tingting is covered in international famous brands. Even if I sell you, you won't be able to afford this outfit."

Leng Su: "..." What does self-righteousness mean? This is! ! !

Just a few rags?

If it weren't for the international brand label on it, the clothes would still be on the roadside. I'm afraid no one would pick them up and wear them, right?

It’s not that the clothes are bad, but the style of the clothes is not designed to be worn in daily life...

Leng Su really doesn't understand what these young ladies think?

Isn't it just the beginning of the university? As for what bra-wrapped dress to wear?

Do you want to be so exaggerated?


Just when these girls decided to fight Leng Su to the end, a burst of screams suddenly sounded.

"Ah, Mr. Ye!"

"It's Master Ye, it's really Master Ye!"

"Ye Ting is here. Please help me take a look. Check if my hair is messed up. Where are my clothes? Is there anything wrong?"

Looking at the girl in front of her who looked like a shrew one second, she suddenly looked as shy as a young girl in her first second, with nervousness and apprehension on her face, looking expectantly at the door of the classroom.

Seeing this, Leng Su reacted belatedly...

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