The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1085 The cool school beauty VS the

After some entanglement, Wen Yu's inner impulse finally defeated his reason...

Because Leng Su didn't wake up, he chose to deceive himself.

Holding her, who was sleeping peacefully, Wen Yu felt happier than he had ever felt before.

He was not indifferent to her.

It's just that he is too timid to face his feelings for her.

All this time, he had chosen to deceive himself and others, choosing to ignore her kindness to him, and choosing to ignore the touches in his heart.

Actually, there is one thing that Leng Su doesn't know...

In the past fifteen years, while she was sleeping late at night, Wen Yu's favorability value had been rising and falling.

One moment it rose by 5 points, the next moment it fell by 10 points, the next moment it rose by 10 points, and then fell by 5 points.

Every time the favorability value fluctuates, it represents Wen Yu's inner entanglement and hesitation.

The night is still long.

In a room on the third floor of the Wen family villa, Wen Yu was holding Leng Su, and the two of them were clinging to each other.

The whole night, Wen Yu's black eyes never closed. He just looked at her quietly, waiting quietly for the dawn to come or for her to turn over...

Leng Su, who didn't dare to stand up all night: "..." Coward! Wen Yu, you big coward!

Woohoo, grandma is so exhausted.

My waist, my neck, my hands, my legs!

Are you going to let people live?

Leng Su silently wiped away a handful of bitter tears in her heart. Seeing the bright light outside the window shining through the gaps in the curtains, she sighed in her heart, silently turned over and let go of the coward!

Leng Su's sudden turning over shocked Wen Yu. He was stunned for a moment, then looked around the room, and then saw the dazzling light emerging from the gap in the curtains on the side.

Seeing this, Wen Yu couldn't help but have a trace of regret in his eyes and a wry smile on his lips.

Its daybreak!'s time to go!

Thinking of this, Wen Yu feebly got up from the bed and struggled to move his stiff body and numb limbs.

He reluctantly glanced at Leng Su's back, then stood up and walked out of the room.

The moment he opened the door, the girl's clear voice suddenly sounded.

"Wen Yu, stop!"

The moment Leng Su's voice sounded, Wen Yu trembled all over, and his delicate face showed a look of shock.

Soon, he reacted belatedly.

Yes, if she really fell asleep, how could she not turn over all night?

If she really fell asleep, how could all this be such a coincidence?

Thinking of this, Wen Yu raised his feet and tried to escape. Unexpectedly, Leng Su's cold voice sounded again.

"Wen Yu, as long as you step out of this door now, I will definitely make you regret it!"

Facing the girl's threat, Wen Yu couldn't listen at all at this moment.

All he knew was that he might not be able to hide his thoughts.

At this moment, the only thought in his mind was to escape from here and escape from her eyes.


Seeing Wen Yu's figure fleeing in panic without saying a word, Leng Su narrowed his eyes slightly and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Judging from what happened last night, she understood a truth!

Since Wen Yu is the male protagonist of this plane, she has the male protagonist's halo to protect her, plus the spiritual spring water she has fed in the past fifteen years.

Although, it was not enough to completely cure his heart disease.

But presumably his mental endurance and ability to withstand pressure should be the same as ordinary people! ! !


PS: [There will be another chapter later, Life and Death Speed, please wait a moment]

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