The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1092 The cool school beauty VS the

Wen Yu was shocked and nodded stiffly.

Almost as soon as he nodded, Mother Wen couldn't help but slap him on the head.

"I said you kid, why are you so stubborn?"

"Susu likes you, and you like her too. Isn't this something that everyone is happy with? You damn boy, why do you do that?"

Wen Yu: "..." My biological mother, my proper biological mother!

Father Wen: "..." Wife, please be gentle, our son is just a porcelain doll!

"Mom, I can't harm her."

"Susu is still young, she has just entered college, and her life has just begun. And I... I am a person who will leave before I know when. I am not worthy of her."


Almost as soon as Wen Yu finished speaking, Wen's mother raised her hand and slapped him hard on the head.

"You brat, who do you think you look like? Why do you act like that and be so cowardly?"

Father Wen: "..." The son was not born to him! ! !

Wen Yu: "..." Mom, mother, where is your gentleness? ? ?

"Wen Yu, I'll give you a month. If you don't get Susu back to me, don't recognize me as your mother." Mother Wen said angrily.

Wen Yu: "..." My life is at stake!

Seeing the look of despair on his son's face, Father Wen couldn't help but cough twice and comforted him: "Wife, let's talk about feelings. It can't be rushed."

"But Yu'er, your mother is right. You really can't go on doing this or coercing. Otherwise, when the child Susu is chased away by others, you will really have no place to cry."

Wen Yu: "..." He must have picked it up, right? ? ?

"Mom, Dad, I..." Before Wen Yu could say anything, Father Wen gave him a sharp look.

Wen Yu: "..."

Just when he was depressed, Wen's father had already taken out his mobile phone, opened the latest updates on Leng Su's circle of friends, and handed it to Wen Yu to read.

"After reading this, you can decide for yourself whether you should continue to do it, be cowardly, or hurry up and get your wife back."

Hearing this, Wen Yu couldn't help but frown slightly, lowered his head and looked at the mobile phone display in front of him in confusion.

In the photo, the boy and girl were looking at the camera with smiles on their faces, pouting and winking in a cute way...

Looking at Leng Su's delicate and beautiful smiling face, and then looking at Ye Ting's "malicious" face next to her, Wen Yu was so angry that veins jumped in his forehead.

He has decided!

He wants to save this girl Susu!

Even if she is not with him, she must not be with a man like Ye Ting!

Thinking about it, Wen Yu took the mobile phone beside him and dialed Leng Su's number.


An infinitely long busy tone sounded, but the person on the other end of the phone never answered the call.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is currently unavailable."

Wen Yu hung up the phone depressedly. Looking at Father Wen's cell phone in front of him, his eyes suddenly lit up and he reached out to grab it.

"Dad, let me lend you your cell phone."

This time, after a brief busy tone, the call was quickly connected.

However, before Wen Yu could speak, Leng Su on the other end of the phone took the initiative and said: "Uncle, I have troubled you and my aunt to take care of you recently.

Now I have figured it out and decided to move back to school.

Uncle and aunt, please take good care of yourselves, and then... help me say goodbye to Brother Wen. "

When Wen Yu heard what Leng Su said, Wen Yu's expression changed drastically. Without even thinking, he blurted out: "No! You can't move!"

"Brother Wen... Wen?"

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Aline] [Peach Peach Peach Peach Peach Cannot Fall] [A Bamboo that Eats Apples] [Love Tongue] [Mu Junbai] and other five little fairies for their reward support, okay (* ̄3)(ε ̄ *)

[The end of the sixth update, good night everyone, Mumada (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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