The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1113 Online Games: Rich Nanny VS Stingy Killer (11)

After being tortured by these programmers, Leng Su lost interest in continuing to play.

Before going offline, he checked Jing Yi's account again and found that the other person's profile picture was gray and not online.

A peaceful night passed, and Leng Su woke up the next morning and once again dragged his luggage to the gate of S University.

At this time, Leng Mu was sending his goddess home at the airport. The moment he received the call from Leng Su, he collapsed.

"Damn, you stinky girl, you've had enough!"

"Who swore that he was here for me last night? You are plotting against me this early in the morning."

"You know that I'm sending the goddess home and can't pick you up at the school gate at the airport. You're doing this on purpose."

"I'm just wondering, what's so good about Jingyi that makes you so obsessed with it?"

After cursing, Leng Mu hung up the phone without saying a word. Under the stunned gaze of his goddess, he quickly dialed Jing Yi's number.

"Hello? Jingyi, do me a favor..."

After taking care of Jing Yi, Leng Mu had just hung up the phone when the airport announcement rang, and the ticket check for the flight his goddess was taking started.

Leng Mu: "..." He has a saying about MMP that he doesn't know whether to take seriously or not! ! !

Why is he always the one who gets hurt?

That girl Leng Su chases a man, why should she sacrifice his happiness?

Woohoo, this is a rare moment for him and the goddess to spend time together! ! !

"Muzi, I have to leave. See you next week." The beautiful girl in front of him stood up and said.

Hearing this, Leng Mu stood up without saying a word, grabbed the goddess's suitcase and said, "Tingting, let me take you to the ticket gate."

"...then, okay then."

Here, Leng Muzheng reluctantly said goodbye to his goddess.

Here, at the gate of S University, Leng Suzheng was quietly waiting for Jing Yi's arrival with a smile on his face.

In the Tianyu game, they all used each other's true appearance, so Leng Su and Jing Yi recognized each other with just a glance.

Jing Yi walked up to her expressionlessly and asked, "Leng Su? Leng Mu's sister?"

Hearing this, Leng Su smiled and said, "I'm also your wife."

Jing Yi: "..."

"Ahem, um, I think you may have misunderstood." Jing Yi tried to explain.

"What's the misunderstanding?" Leng Su opened his eyes wide and looked at Jing Yi with an innocent expression.

Jing Yi: "..." A sense of guilt arose in his heart.

"Well, we are just a couple in the game, and my prostitution only refers to being in the game. In reality, you are just Muzi's sister, and I am just Muzi's good brother, that's all."

Leng Su: "..." Dare she be cheated? ? ?

The two just looked at each other quietly for a while, before Leng Su spoke again.

"Tell me, how much do you want before you are willing to sell yourself in reality?"

"Reality doesn't sell you!" Jing Yi refused.

Leng Su: "..."

"...But I can accompany you." Jing Yi said hesitantly.

Leng Su: "..." Did this male protagonist refresh her knowledge and lower limits?

What's the difference between escorting and selling one's body? ? ?

"Well, don't get me wrong, escort here means accompanying you to eat, drink and have fun."

Leng Su: "..." This male protagonist is poisonous!

Seeing her sudden silence, Jing Yi felt quite uneasy. After thinking about it, he decided to explain.

"It's like this. I originally promised Muzi to pick you up and take you to his dormitory, and he would be back soon. As for myself, I was going to work as a temporary worker today. If you want me to accompany you, of course I will. You have to pay..."

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