The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1136 Online Games: Rich Nanny VS Stingy Killer (34)

[Congratulations, Jingyi's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 65 points. 】

Leng Su couldn't see Jing Yi's arrival with her eyes covered, but the children who were originally surrounding her started shouting excitedly the moment Jing Yi arrived, and one by two they all flew towards Jing Yi.

"Ah ah, brother Jing, you are here!"

"Brother Jing, we miss you so much."

"Brother Jing, sister Susu just told us that you would arrive later."

Of course, the loudest among the group of children were the two little girls Xiaoxiao and Niuniu.

Jing Yi carried the things forward, put the two big bags of things on the ground, and touched the little heads of Niuniu and Xiaoxiao with affection.

"Brother Jing still has some things to finish. You can continue playing with Sister Susu."

"What do you want, Brother Jing? Let's help you!"

"It's too heavy, you can't lift it."

Hearing this, Leng Su pulled off the red scarf from his eyes, looked at Jing Yi and said, "Let me get it for you."

"...Okay." Jing Yi hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed.

"Little girl, just wait here obediently. Sister and your brother Jing will be back soon."

"Okay." A group of half-grown children said in unison.

The two of them left the orphanage one after another, came to the taxi parked at the door, picked up bags after bags of things, and then turned back.

After dividing some of the things among the children and giving some to the dean to put in the storage room, Leng Su and Jing Yi returned to the garden to teach these children how to read.

For a time, this huge orphanage was filled with the sound of young people reading aloud.

At noon, under the dean's persuasion, Leng Su and Jing Yi stayed in the orphanage to have lunch with the children.

After lunch, Leng Su and Jing Yi helped the dean's mother coax the noisy children to sleep.

It wasn't until all the children fell asleep that the three of them walked softly out of the room.

Outside the room, the dean's mother looked at them with emotion: "I've really troubled you two today."

"These children are usually very well-behaved. It's a rare opportunity to see you. They are so excited that they don't even want to take a nap."

Hearing this, Leng Su and Jing Yi couldn't help but look at each other and laughed.

"The children are very cute. I will definitely visit them often when I have time in the future." Leng Su said with a smile.

After hearing this, the dean's mother looked at the two of them with gratitude.

"By the way, I've packed up everything in the guest room. If you are sleepy, you can go there and sleep for a while."

"No, Mother Dean, please be busy, I have to go back to school in the afternoon."

"Okay, remember to tell me when you leave in the future, and I will see you off."

Hearing this, Leng Su and Jing Yi nodded with smiles on their lips.

As soon as the dean's mother left, Leng Su and Jing Yi were the only two people left in the quiet corridor.

Jing Yi glanced at her silently and suddenly asked, "Are you interested in taking a look around?"

Hearing this, Leng Su was slightly startled and asked, "Is it okay?"

"Let's go." As he said that, Jing Yi took the lead and walked ahead of her.

Angel Orphanage is not big. Except for the larger yard in front, other places are very small.

The room is small, the kitchen is small, the living room is small, the toilet is also's even very simple and shabby.

After seeing all this, Leng Su couldn't help but wonder: "Didn't the country allocate money?"

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