The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1189 The “smooth” actress VS the “explosive” CEO (31)

In the living room, looking at the sumptuous breakfast on the table, Leng Su decided to start a live broadcast on Weibo and officially announce his relationship!

So, early in the morning, fans were stuffed with mouthfuls of dog food.

I saw that in the small mobile phone video, the goddess they longed for was sitting on the lap of a certain male god.

The two of us eat our breakfast one bite at a time, with a "mommy" from time to time.

[Leng Su My Goddess]: When it comes to the number one dog abuser, I only obey my goddess! ! !

[Wenhan My Husband]: Alas, Mr. Nao finally has a royal wife. Looking at the situation, I think there is no hope of regaining his favor!

[Lin Sheng, My Male God]: I feel sorry for my Best Actor Lin, 嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤, why didn’t Queen Leng choose my Best Actor Lin? Why? ? ?

[Wen Su CP]: Ah, ah, you feed the dog food early in the morning, do you still let the single dog live?

[Passing by]: Caring for the Singles Association is everyone’s responsibility!

[I'm lovelorn]: Oh my god, my god, my Oppa, don't leave me!

After a happy breakfast, Leng Su and Wen Han looked at the camera with their fingers intertwined.

"Actually, to be honest with you, Wen Han and I are college classmates and lovers."

"Later, because we were both too young, in terms of personality, plus I wanted to study abroad at that time, and we were in a long-distance relationship, etc., we had no choice but to break up."

"When I returned to China this time, I actually never thought that we could still be together."

"Maybe as everyone says, first love is the most unforgettable thing."

"Wen Han and I have been separated for so many years, and we have never been around anyone else, so meeting again triggered the feelings that we had suppressed for many years."

As he said that, Leng Su couldn't help but look at Wen Han affectionately beside him.

"A lot of things have happened recently, some good and some bad, but it is these things that allow us to see each other's hearts clearly."

"I believe everyone knows the news from more than a month ago. In order to protect me, Wen Han had sulfuric acid poured on his back."

"At that moment, when I saw Wen Han frowning in front of me and looking like he was about to cry, my heart was trembling."

"I want to say that after many years of separation, he and I have actually changed, but we have not changed."

"We are still so naive, so impulsive, so desperate, so... deeply in love with each other!"

[Wenhan my male god]: Ahhh, so romantic!

[Goddess Lengsuwo]: First love is indeed the most beautiful thing!

[Lin Sheng Wo Nao Gong]: What should I do? I suddenly want to rebel?

[Wen Su CP fan]: I will always support the sweet love between Queen Leng and President Wen.

[Passing by]: The cold dog food hit my face...

After listening to Leng Su's heartfelt words, it was not only the netizens who were moved, but also Wen Han, the person involved.

Looking at the girl with the same appearance in front of him, and seeing himself reflected in her pupils, Wen Han was very happy, happier than ever before.

He took out a delicate and small ring from his pocket, knelt on one knee and looked at the girl in front of him with a pious expression.

"Susu, it was you who proposed to me last night. Today, it's my turn to propose to you."

Faced with Wen Han's sudden move, Leng Su was a little surprised, but at the same time she was happy. She was romantically attracted by him.

There is no woman who doesn’t like romantic love…

Even though she yelled that roses were so expensive, impractical, and wasteful, she definitely liked "the roses you gave me" in her heart.

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