The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1266 Genius Female Swordsman VS

The sudden restlessness on the sword makes people feel strange and puzzled...

The sect disciples at the foot of the mountain looked at each other and quickened their pace, hoping to find out the cause of the restlessness.

After all, something that can make the entire Sword Mountain restless is definitely extraordinary. Maybe it is the birth of the legendary divine sword!

Even the Phoenix Yue on the top of the mountain was alarmed and couldn't help but fly down halfway up the mountain.

When Feng Yue arrived, Leng Su was observing the black sword in his hand with a strange expression.

For some reason, she clearly didn't recognize this sword, but she subconsciously felt that the sword in her hand should be more powerful than the so-called "magic sword" in Feng Yue's hand.

Moreover, she had a very ridiculous idea in her mind.

That was the sword tomb in front of her. In her opinion, these so-called spiritual swords were actually very hot and low-level existences.

She always felt that those so-called fairy swords should be what she thought were spiritual swords, and the "magic sword" in Feng Yue's hand should be what she thought was a fairy sword.

Leng Su didn't know why he had such thoughts in his mind...

"Are you OK?"

"Are you injured anywhere? Why did you suddenly reach the middle of the mountain so quickly?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of Feng Yue, Leng Su shook his head: "I'm fine. It seems like these swords are the ones that are in trouble."

Feng Yue followed Leng Su's gaze and looked at the sword stuck on the sword mountain, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, even the "Wind Moon Divine Sword" behind him began to tremble.

"Feng Yue?" Feng Yue looked at his back in surprise.

Because of the contract, Feng Yue followed the fear of "Feng Yue Divine Sword" and looked at the "black sword" in Leng Su's hand.

"Where did your sword come from? Why is it so strange? And it looks very powerful?"

But no, even his "Feng Yue" was trembling, constantly conveying the consciousness of "fear" to him.

"Picked it up casually." Leng Su said casually.

Feng Yue: "..." If he believed it, he would be a ghost!

"Haha, you are so lucky. The few beads you picked up are the Mizuki Spirit Beads that even the Sword God dreams of."

"This black sword I picked up casually makes even my Fengyue Divine Sword scared..."

Leng Su: "..."

She really picked it up casually. She had many black swords like this in her space, but the one in her hand seemed to be the most powerful one among them.

Of course, it was impossible for Leng Su to say this.

Seeing her silence, Feng Yue felt a little uncomfortable and depressed, feeling that Leng Su didn't trust him that much.

But no matter what, she was able to get a powerful "magic sword", and he was happy and happy for her.

"This sword looks very powerful. I guess with it in the future, you don't have to worry about your safety."

Upon hearing Feng Yue's words, Leng Su's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition came over him.

Depend on!

There's something wrong with this old guy's tone.

Is this the time to break up?

Are you planning to abandon her and wander around the world to find other beauties?

Thinking of this, Leng Su became angry, and the tears kept flowing down as if they were free of charge.

"You, you think I'm a useless person and you plan to leave me?" Leng Su asked aggrievedly while crying.

Feng Yue: "..." He was a little confused! ! !


PS: [I will update Chapter 42 in the early morning, and continue to update during the rest of the day. Little fairies who like Xiaoxiao, please support me a lot and give a lot of rewards, refill (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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