The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1268 Genius Female Swordsman VS

The warm and soft touch under his hands made Feng Yue stiff all over, and he didn't know what to do.

This is not the first time...

In that secret room before, he and the little girl were in messy clothes and going crazy with each other.

In fact, he seems to have seen everything that should be seen and shouldn't be seen.

Moreover, he seemed to have touched all the things he shouldn't have touched.

Therefore, if he really doesn't want this little girl, he must be irresponsible.

He had eaten all the tofu, and the little girl must have recognized him as an old guy.

Thinking of this, Feng Yue felt joy and excitement in her heart.

But at the same time, he was also afraid and anxious, fearing that this was just his wishful thinking.

Thinking of this, Feng Yue looked down at Leng Su in his arms seriously: "You will be fine. I, I will definitely not let anything happen to you."

Leng Su: "..." Damn, can you say anything else besides these two sentences?

For example... Confession! ! !

Leng Su bit his tongue viciously in anger, causing the blood to flow from the corner of his mouth even more violently.

Seeing this, Feng Yue's eyes flashed, and seeing the aggrieved look on her face, he was both angry and amused.

He finally understood it.

In this relationship, it was not just his wishful thinking from beginning to end.

I'm afraid this girl has already plotted against him...

Looking at Leng Su's frown and the dazzling bright red at the corner of her mouth, Feng Yue lowered her head and kissed Leng Su's red lips after a heart-warming battle between heaven and man.

He pressed against her, and she pressed against him.

He looked at her with a pair of dark eyes, a little helpless, and she blinked and looked at him blankly with a pair of big watery eyes.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. Feng Yue was a novice. After he kissed Leng Su, he didn't know what to do after their lips were pressed together.

Leng Su was a little confused and stunned.

This guy was hesitating one second, why did he suddenly explode so violently the next second?

Did he even forcefully ask for a kiss?

[Congratulations, Feng Yue's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 80 points. 】

This kiss successfully made Feng Yue give up all his worries. This kiss successfully made Feng Yue start to face up to his relationship with Leng Su.

This kiss opened the door to a new world for Feng Yue...

In the past, there was only cultivation and swords in his world.

Now, there is more love between men and women in his world, and more of her.

Unlike Feng Yue who is naive and ignorant, Leng Su is obviously an expert in the relationship between men and women.

After being stunned, she quickly reacted, reached out and hugged Feng Yue's neck, leading the ignorant person in front of her to explore the mysteries of the new world.

All around, thousands of swords trembled.

Halfway up the mountain, the man and woman ignored everything around them and kissed crazily.

After the kiss ended, Feng Yue's black eyes were sparkling, filled with many emotions that were not there before.

It's novel, it's curious, it's eager to take action, it's more about eating the marrow and knowing the taste.

He stared fieryly at Leng Su's bright red lips, his eyes darkened involuntarily, and his Adam's apple rolled a few times subconsciously.

Leng Su was bothered by the pain in his tongue and was wondering whether to get some spiritual spring water to drink.

As a result, as soon as she got up from the ground, she was hugged by someone.

"What are you doing?" Leng Su raised his head in confusion and looked at the "Exiled Immortal Man" in front of him in confusion...

PS: [Chapter 44, there are updates, I am writing, please subscribe, please give, please vote, please ask for all kinds of things (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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