The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1408 Genius female professor VS “liar” male classmate (2)

Suddenly, Leng Su's face changed drastically and his whole body became stiff...

Some smart, attentive male classmates who had girlfriends who had tasted the forbidden fruit quickly guessed why something was wrong with Leng Su.

The somewhat dull and low-EQ person kept asking Leng Su what was wrong.

"Teacher Leng, if you are really feeling unwell, why don't you ask for leave and go to the hospital?"

"Yes, yes, your body is the most important thing."

Leng Su: "..." So angry! ! !

Just when Leng Su was crossing her legs, wondering how to get out of this embarrassing situation, her feet suddenly hung in the air, and her whole body was forced to rely on a generous and hot chest.

Leng Su turned his head and looked at the boy in front of him who was hugging him.

Then a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar came into her eyes... Qiao Mo.

Seeing Qiao Mo hugging him and running towards the infirmary, Leng Su couldn't help but said: "Classmate Qiao, the teacher is fine. There is no need to go to the infirmary. Please put me down."

"..." Qiao Mo clenched his teeth and refused to speak.

He was afraid that when he opened his mouth, it would directly turn into "You have something wrong" or "You are sick".

But his pace never changed, and he still headed towards the infirmary resolutely.

Soon, the infirmary arrived, and Leng Su was put on the bed. The school doctor was about to check her, but was blocked by Qiao Mo.

"This classmate, what are you doing?" the school doctor frowned and asked displeasedly.

Hearing this, Qiao Mo closed his mouth and subconsciously blocked Leng Su behind him, while also putting his hands behind his back.


Leng Su silently glanced at his red and bloody sleeves, shut up and dared not speak.

"No need to check, Teacher Leng is fine." Qiao Mo said.

Hearing this, Leng Su raised his eyebrows, but it was rare that he didn't say anything sarcastic.

"This classmate, you..."

Seeing the displeasure on the school doctor's face, Leng Su spoke quickly.

"School doctor Zhou, I'm fine, I just have my period..."

School doctor Zhou: "..."

Qiao Mo: "..."

"Ahem, Teacher Leng, please rest here first. This classmate, you..."

"School Doctor Zhou, can you please go out first?" Leng Su interrupted again.

Hearing this, the school doctor Zhou didn't say anything, nodded and walked out.

With the departure of the school doctor this week, for a while, only Leng Su and Qiao Mo were left in the infirmary.

Leng Su looked at Qiao Mo's nervous expression and couldn't help but laugh secretly in his heart.

"Thank you just now, Classmate Qiao, for your help in resolving the situation. I wonder if I can trouble you, Classmate Qiao, for a little while?"

"Yeah." Qiao Mo nodded and responded softly.

"It's not convenient for me to move now. I wonder if you could trouble me, Qiao, to take me back to my dormitory?"

"Yeah." Qiao Mo continued to nod.

After saying that, he picked up Leng Su again, left the infirmary and headed towards the apartment building where she lived.

Outside the infirmary, Leng Su smiled apologetically at the school doctor that week.

In the dormitory apartment building.

When Leng Su finished changing and walked out of the room to the living room, the silent Qiao Mo directly handed her a cup of steaming brown sugar water.

Leng Su raised his eyebrows and took it with a smile: "Thank you, classmate Qiao."

"It's not me." Qiao Mo said uncontrollably.

"Wha, what?" Leng Su said in surprise.

"It wasn't me, teacher, there's no need to thank me." Qiao Mo's mouth was uncontrollable again.

Leng Su: "...Oh."

Qiao Mo: "..." MMP, I really want to die, such nonsense!

Normally he's fine, but every time the critical moment comes, he always slips up and traps him! ! !

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