The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1411 Genius female professor VS “liar” male classmate (5)

In the next few days, Qiao Mo would send various things to Leng Su every day.

"Teacher, this is your breakfast." Qiao Mo said.

Leng Su silently looked at the hot milk and blood-tonifying red date porridge on his desk.

"Thank you." Leng Su said.

"It's not me. Teacher, please go thank Jiang Zhuo." Qiao Mo said with a look of tears on his face.

Leng Su: "..." It's really not her fault this time. She didn't even ask him who gave it to him! ! !

"Ahem, thank you." Leng Su said.

"Well, teacher, you can eat. I'm going back to the classroom first."


Looking at Qiao Mo's leaving figure, Leng Su felt funny and amused.

She carefully considered some of Qiao Mo's lying methods and found that there seemed to be some pattern...

Because he liked her and was good to her, he stopped him from saying it.

So, is it the same for everyone else?

Is this curse to prevent Qiao Mo from being with the person he likes, or does it mean that this will happen to anyone Qiao Mo cares about?

Moreover, she didn't know if it was her imagination, but she always felt that Qiao Mo's mouth seemed to be getting more and more out of control and getting worse.

It was she who asked yesterday and he said the opposite.

She didn't ask today, but he still said it uncontrollably...

I don’t know what the situation will be like.

At noon, Leng Su had just tidied up and was going to the cafeteria to eat when there was a sudden knock on the office door.

"Come in."

"Teacher, Jiang Zhuo asked me to deliver your lunch."

Leng Su: "..." That's awesome, my brother, your ability to tell lies with open eyes is getting better and better.

"Ahem, thank you both," Leng Su said awkwardly.

"Qiao Mo, let's stay and eat together." Leng Su said.

"Teacher, no need, I've eaten."

Leng Su: "..." If I remember correctly, this guy seems to have just finished class, right?

"Qiao Mo, you bought too much. The teacher can't finish it by himself. Please help me eat some." Leng Su continued.

"Teacher, it's really no need." As he said that, Qiao Mo sat down next to Leng Su sincerely.

Leng Su: "..." Hahahahaha! ! !

This male protagonist is so funny and fun, she just can't stand it anymore!

After lunch, Qiao Mo rushed to clear the table while asking Leng Su.

"Teacher, are you free tonight?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"A new porridge restaurant has opened near our school. Jiang Zhuo said it's very good and would like to invite you, teacher, to eat together in the evening."

Leng Su: "..." Can we change people?

Suddenly I felt that this Qiao Mo was a bit silly and cute.

You said you talk about Jiang Zhuo all the time. How easy it is for people to misunderstand.

It would be great if you change your name every day, so that the original owner will notice something is wrong no matter how slow she is, and maybe she will find out that you are sincere to her.

Qiao Mo: "..." I don't worry about the others! ! !

Teacher, you have too many suitors. Except for Jiang Zhuo, who already has a sweetheart who can be used as a shield, I am afraid that the others will be exploited!

"Okay." Leng Su said.

"Okay, Jiang Zhuo will pick up the teacher after school." Qiao Mo said with a smile while crumpling the disposable cup in his hand.

Leng Su: "..." It seems like something is really getting wrong, huh?

Is it because of her change in attitude?

"Well, don't forget to come with Qiao when the time comes." Leng Su said with a smile.

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