The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1425 Genius female professor VS “liar” male classmate (19)

Leng Su couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, and a bad premonition came over him.

After all, Leng's father was engaged in scientific research, not a politician. He didn't make any detours with Leng Su. He opened his mouth and directly stated his purpose.

"Susu, my father hopes to take you back to the laboratory when he comes back this time."

Leng Su: "..." Scared!

"Dad, you know, I won't go." Leng Su said firmly.

What a joke, she didn't come here to do scientific research, she came to this world with a mission.

If she fails in her mission and the "outsider" loses control and kills both the male and female protagonists, then the entire mission world will collapse.

She came here to save the world, not to do scientific research.

"Bang!" Father Leng put down the chopsticks in his hand heavily.

A pair of black eyes glared at Leng Su, and said sternly: "Your mother and I didn't train you to be an ordinary professor in a third-rate university."

After looking at Leng's mother, who was silent on the side, and then at Leng's father, who had an angry face in front of him, Leng Su suddenly smiled.

She smiled sadly, put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands and stood up.

She quietly stared at the couple opposite and said, "It may be unfilial for me to say this, but I still want to say that if I could choose, I would rather be born in an ordinary family."

"I know that you have been very kind to me. You have given me a top-notch education, a top-notch life, and made me worry-free about food and clothing."

"But parents, I am your biological daughter, I am not your pet."

"What I need more than those material things is your care and concern."

Faced with Leng Su's accusation, Leng's mother was stunned, while Leng's father was furious.

"Bang!" was heard loudly. Leng's father slapped the table and stood up with an angry look on his face. He pointed at Leng Su and roared.

"What else do you want? Aren't your mother and I treating you badly? We feed you, drink you, wear you, and give you money to spend."

"Do you know that the life you have now is something that many people can only dream of?"

Seeing Leng's father's expression as if he was looking at a wolf with blank eyes, Leng Su's heart twitched suddenly, and a sense of sadness overwhelmed her.

She suddenly felt sorry for the original owner.

In his mind, various past events belonging to the original owner emerged.

This time, Leng Su didn't hold it back any longer, but said it all in one go.

"Dad, I am very grateful for everything you and my mother have given me. I am very grateful that you gave me life."

"However, I just want to make my own decisions in my life. I don't want my children to experience what I have experienced."

With that said, Leng Su picked up the chopsticks on the table and picked up the piece of braised pork in her bowl.

"This is the braised pork my mother just gave me..."

As he spoke, Leng Su looked at the delicate plate of braised pork in the center of the dining table. Some ginger slices mixed in the braised pork were clearly visible.

"I am twenty years old this year. Twenty years have passed. Do you, my parents, really care about me? Do you know that I am allergic to ginger?"

"Mom will always remember that Dad loved braised pork, but she never knew that I was allergic to ginger."

"Growing up, every time dad came back, mom would make braised pork for you with her own hands, and every time you would give me a few pieces."

"Every time, I would eat it silently and then go back to my room to take allergy medicine."

"Occasionally when it gets serious, Dad, you are busy going back to the laboratory, and Mom is also busy rushing back to school."

"And me...who of you has ever really cared about me?"

PS: [Yes, I am in the speed of life and death again... I won’t say anymore, continue writing, there will be 5 chapters updated later, writing now, please wait a moment]

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