The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1428 Genius female professor VS “liar” male classmate (22)

"Fuck, you bastard who comes out of nowhere and dares to rob someone from me, get the fuck from me!"

Following the leading man's order, a large group of men in black surrounded them from all sides.

Seeing that something was wrong, Leng Su took Qiao Mo's hand and ran out of the crowd without saying a word.

"Fuck, don't just stand there like that, I'm fucking chasing you!"

After the two of them left the bar, Qiao Mo originally wanted to take Leng Su and run towards where he parked his car.

But looking ahead, his car was surrounded by people pointing and pointing. It was obviously unwise to run over now.

Just when Qiao Mo hesitated, Leng Su had already dragged him into the dark alley aside.

"Quick, quick, they're running that way."

Behind him, those gangsters were chasing after him. Leng Su pulled Qiao Mo to dodge left and right, and finally managed to hide in a narrow corner.

Seeing those little gangsters running past them and not coming back for a long time, Leng Su breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as her nerves relaxed, Leng Su suddenly felt weak, and a strong sense of fatigue hit her body and mind. She jumped directly into Qiao Mo's arms, hugged his waist tightly and buried her head in his arms.

Qiao Mo: "..." Happiness comes so suddenly!

"Teacher? Teacher, are you okay?" Qiao Mo asked in a low voice.

"Well, don't make any noise, I'm so sleepy..." Leng Su reached out and slapped Qiao Mo on the face, frowning slightly and muttering impatiently.


Qiao Mo didn't feel angry after being hit in the face. Instead, he smiled with happiness.

He carefully lowered his head to look at Leng Su in his arms, looking at her delicate facial features, her curved eyelashes, and her slightly pouted red lips. Just looking at Qiao Mo like this made his mouth dry. , lost in thought.

[Congratulations, Qiao Mo's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 85 points. 】

Just when Qiao Mo reached out to Leng Su's seductive red lips with trembling hands, a sudden ringing suddenly woke him up.

"Jingle Bell."

Qiao Mo trembled all over and quickly retracted his hand. He looked around guiltily and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure no one was around.

"Jingle Bell."

The ringtone kept ringing in his pocket, Qiao Mo frowned, but finally took out his cell phone.

After seeing the caller clearly, he didn't hesitate and answered the call directly.

"Hello? Jiang Zhuo, why do you want to see me so late?"

"You still have the nerve to say, where are you messing around in the middle of the night? Can you calm down? Can you think about me?"

"What's wrong?" Qiao Mo asked confused.

"Damn, you have the nerve to ask me what's wrong? Where are you now? Also, where is your car? Do you remember where you parked it?"

"Did you know that I was spending time with Lin Xia at home, but it turned out well that the police suddenly called me..."

"Qiao Mo, I shouldn't have lent you my car yesterday!!!" Jiang Zhuo roared.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I accidentally forgot. I'm really sorry for what happened today. Wait until I settle down Teacher Leng, and I will make amends to you in two days."

"Teacher Leng? Are you with Teacher Leng?"

"Well, I don't know what happened. Teacher Leng suddenly called me and said that she was at the bar... Oh, I won't explain it to you now."

With that said, Qiao Mo quickly ended the call and hugged the crooked Leng Su in time to prevent her from falling to the ground.

PS: [There are still 2 chapters left, and the speed of life and death continues...]

Ahhhhhh, my wisdom teeth hurt so much, it hurts so much, I’m going crazy! ! !

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