The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1430 Genius female professor VS “liar” male classmate (25)

"Last night?" Leng Su shook his head and said, "I only remember that I ran away from home and then went to the bar. What happened after that... I can't remember clearly."

Looking at Leng Su's innocent face, Qiao Mo felt desperate inside at the moment.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say that they had slept together last night and that he would be responsible.

But when those words came to his lips, the feeling of being out of control came over him again.

Qiao Mo: "..."

In order to prevent him from saying anything shocking again, Qiao Mo finally closed his mouth.

Seeing Qiao Mo sitting on the ground with a lonely look on his face, Leng Su couldn't help but feel funny.

She reached out and patted the seat beside the bed, and said to Qiao Mo, "You sit down first."

Qiao Mo hesitated for a moment, then silently stood up and sat by the bed.

Leng Su fell into his arms, put her arms around his waist, and silently buried her face in his arms.

"Old, teacher, you, you, you..." Qiao Mo said stiffly and at a loss.

"My father is a scientific researcher and my mother is a university professor. I have lived alone since I was a child..."

As Leng Su told her story, Qiao Mo's heart throbbed.

He had not personally experienced her kind of life, but he understood the loneliness of being ignored by his parents.

He was born into the Qiao family, and he was not born to like dangerous things like racing and bungee jumping.

It's more because Qiao's father and Qiao's mother are busy with work and habitually ignore the existence of his son.

Compared to Leng Su, he was actually much luckier.

Although Qiao's father and Qiao's mother often travel on business, and although they often work overtime until midnight, he can still see them occasionally.

Later, as he grew older, after he was severely rubbed by a car one time, Qiao's father and Qiao's mother finally rushed to the hospital.

Slowly, he seemed to have figured out some of the essence.

He started to rebel, start racing, bungee jumping, and all kinds of dangerous projects.

As he became more and more rebellious, his father and mother had to pay more attention to him.

Later, when he got older, he gradually understood the helplessness of Qiao's father and Qiao's mother.

Although he still felt aggrieved in his heart, at least he did not continue to rebel. This is why he did not make any violent resistance after Qiao's father and Qiao's mother confiscated all his cars.

After entering college, he met Leng Su, and slowly his attention shifted to Leng Su.

Qiao Mo is a very focused person. When he concentrates on doing something, he will devote himself wholeheartedly to it.

Whether it was because he was rebellious back then, or now he is devoted to Leng Su.

"My dad came back this time to persuade me to join him in the laboratory to do scientific research..."

As Qiao Mo's thoughts turned around, he suddenly heard Leng Su's words. His whole body trembled and he felt bad.


"You go..." You can't go.

"Teacher, listen to me, go..." Teacher, listen to me, you must not go.

Qiao Mo tried again and again, but no matter how hard he tried or how hard he tried, he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and he was extremely irritable.

Seeing Leng Su's desperate expression as if he had suffered a huge blow, Qiao Mo felt aggrieved, angry and helpless.

He opened his mouth, eager to explain something, but when he thought of the virtue of such a bad mouth, he quickly closed it.

For a moment, he felt like he was sitting on a pincushion, unable to find peace...

PS: [Due to the needs of the plot, a small modification has been made at the end of the previous chapter. If fairies feel that the content of this chapter is inconsistent with the previous chapter, you can go back and look at the end of the previous chapter, okay? Hey, continue writing, there will be 5 chapters updated later (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~】

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