The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1432 Genius female professor VS “liar” male classmate (27)

These photos basically take her profile, and there are very few frontal photos...

It is not difficult to imagine where Qiao Mo was hiding in order to take these photos...

Leng Su flipped through the contents page by page, and the throbbing feeling in his heart became more and more obvious.

July 7, sunny.

Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, Friday. Many couples in the school did not choose to go home in order to spend this day together.

After dinner, I really couldn't hold it back. I couldn't wait until it got dark, so I went downstairs to Teacher Leng's dormitory and silently looked at the bright lights in her room above.

That night, Teacher Leng never came out. I was very happy and disappointed.

I was happy that she was still single, but I was disappointed that on a day like this, I didn't even see her and could only look at the photos on my phone and miss her silently.

December 1st, sunny.

One very embarrassing day, Teacher Leng felt uncomfortable in class. I couldn't help but rush up to pick her up and run towards the infirmary.

It wasn't until the moment I put her down and looked at the blood on my sleeves that I had an idea flash in my mind.

I was particularly happy today because I finally hugged her and finally walked into her dormitory.

December 2nd, sunny.

In recent days, God seems to be particularly fond of me. I actually managed to make an appointment with Teacher Leng. We had dinner together, and I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to send her back to the dormitory...

Word by word, every diary entry clearly records everything related to her.

Each diary entry was accompanied by a photo of her. Looking at the content, Leng Su suddenly smiled.

She did not continue to look, but silently closed the diary in her hand and put it aside.

She turned her head, looked at the man beside her, leaned forward, hugged his neck, and kissed him.

A kiss like a dragonfly's drop of water, Leng Su left at the touch.

She and his foreheads were touching each other. She looked into his dark eyes and asked, "Stop talking. I'm asking you. You are responsible for nodding or shaking your head, okay?"

"Hmm..." Qiao Mo nodded.

"Do you like me?" Leng Su asked.

"No..." Qiao Mo quickly shut up and nodded silently.

Leng Su smiled and asked again: "Do you love me?"

Qiao Mo nodded.

"Will you date me?"

Qiao Mo continued to nod.

"Do you still want me to go to the laboratory to do scientific research?"

Qiao Mo nodded subconsciously again, but soon he realized it again, his head was like a rattle, shaking his head constantly.

Seeing this, Leng Su smiled and touched the hair on the back of his head, and continued to ask: "Then if we are together, will you not accompany me because of work?"

Qiao Mo shook his head.

"Am I the most important in your heart?"

Qiao Mo nodded.

"Then you will love me for the rest of your life and only treat me, okay?"

Qiao Mo nodded.

Looking at Qiao Mo's cute little face and the affection in his eyes, Leng Su didn't ask any more questions.

In fact, she knew it all.

She just wanted to ask and get a clear response from him.

Unconsciously, the two kissed together again.

After kissing and kissing, they kissed on the bed, clinging to each other.

Qiao Mo lay down for a while and then got up again. Facing Leng Su's confused look, Qiao Mo kissed her forehead and said, "I'll make breakfast."

"Go." Leng Su said with a smile.

Qiao Mo left. Leng Su felt a little hungover and had a headache, so he fell asleep again without realizing it.

When she woke up again, she was woken up by Qiao Mo.

Looking at the man beside the bed with a happy smile on his face, Leng Su stretched out his hand to him: "Hug..."

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