The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1444 The end of the world female devil VS cold general (2)

"Jiang Hao, let's break up." Leng Su said calmly.

"Su, Su Su, you can't make such a joke." Jiang Hao's face changed drastically.

Hearing this, Leng Su smiled. She took out her mobile phone and found the chat history between the original owner and her parents.

"Do you know why I have to come to you this time?"

"I just want to make it clear to you face to face..." Leng Su said.

Looking at the chat history on the screen and the photos sent by Leng's father, Jiang Hao's face turned pale, and he actually felt a lot of emotions in his heart.

[Damn, this Jiang Hao is indeed a cannon fodder male supporting actor. He has a heroine as his girlfriend and is still trying to die! 】

[MMP, why not just let labor and capital time travel into the body of the male protagonist Mo Shi! ! ! 】

[No, I can’t break up or be separated from the heroine no matter what I say now. 】

[You know, in the plot, the Imperial Capital had already sent people to pick up the heroine and Mo Shi when the apocalypse first broke out. The only way to survive is to follow them! 】

Leng Su: "..." So, will Jiang Hao kneel down to her next, slap himself a few times to admit his mistake and beg for mercy?


Leng Su: "..." He actually knelt down? ? ?

"Susu, I was wrong. I admit that it was my fault before. My love for you was not strong enough. I should not have been tempted."

"But Su Su, I promise you, this Liu Hui and I are just having fun. I don't love her at all."

[If I remember correctly, this Liu Hui seems to be a passerby. The passerby without the aura of the protagonist should have died when the apocalypse broke out. 】

[So, what he says doesn’t all depend on his mouth. Anyway, the person who had sex with Liu Hui was not him, so there was no psychological burden at all for him to say that. 】

Leng Su: "..."

Leng Su didn't like this so-called mind-reading skill very much.

She is an old monster who has lived for who knows how many thousands of years. She can almost guess the thoughts of these little goblins.

But this mind-reading skill annoyed her.

"Susu, please forgive me. I promise to treat you only from now on..." OK.

Before Jiang Hao finished speaking, Leng Su fired a burst of spiritual power.

With a loud "bang", Jiang Hao closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

"I'm finally clean..." Leng Su let out a long breath.

Just when she was about to send Jiang Hao away, she suddenly heard a knock on the door from outside.

Leng Su hesitated for a moment, but was not in a hurry to send Jiang Hao away. Instead, he stood up and walked towards the door.

Through the peephole on the door, Leng Su clearly saw the handsome man sitting in a wheelchair outside.

With a click, the door opened, and Leng Su stretched out his hand and dragged the person in with a wheelchair.

Mu Shi frowned slightly and looked at Leng Su in front of him expressionlessly.

"It's you!" Leng Su exclaimed.

Mu Shi, the eldest son of the Mu family, was the one whom the parents of the Leng family intended to marry the original owner.

It was just a twist of fate that one of the two escaped from marriage, and the other failed in a mission and became permanently disabled.

This so-called marriage has come to an end...

The original owner did not know Mu Shi, but Leng's mother showed her a piece of Mu Shi's debt when she persuaded her to get married.

But helplessly, the original owner was spoiled since childhood.

As soon as she heard that Leng's mother wanted her to get married, she ran out of the house without looking back before Leng's mother could finish her words.

Seeing Leng Su's surprised expression, Mu Shi couldn't help but his eyes flashed and asked, "Do you know me?"

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