The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1458 The end of the world female devil VS cold general (17)


Thunder and lightning crackled and flashed, heading towards Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao's reaction was not slow, and he quickly dodged to the side. At the same time, he subconsciously waved his hand and fired a ball of fire towards the thunder and lightning.

When seeing this scene, Mu Shi's pupils shrank.

He stared at Jiang Hao with a gloomy face: "You are also a superpower!"

Seeing the thunder and lightning dissipating in the air together with the fireball, Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing Mu Shi suddenly mention his identity as a superpower, Jiang Hao felt somewhat proud.

The end of the world has just begun, and people with superpowers are still relatively rare.

He is also one of the first batch of superpower users, and since he used crystal cores to enhance his superpowers earlier than these people, his superpower level and power must far exceed those of these people.

Although, Jiang Hao still resented Mu Shi for attacking him without asking the reason.

But in order to survive in this apocalyptic world, in order to obtain those opportunities that only the male and female protagonists are lucky enough to encounter, Jiang Hao had to take the initiative to surrender.

"Yes, I am a level two fire power user." Jiang Hao said with a slight smile.

"Level 2 Fire Element? From what you're saying, do you know that superpowers can be upgraded?" Mu Shi didn't understand.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

He deliberately revealed his identity as a level two fire superpower so that Mu Shi could look up to him. It would be great if he could take the opportunity to be favored by Mu Shi and stay by his side.

But I didn't expect that this Mu Shi would be so shrewd...

For Jiang Hao, he didn't want to talk about the crystal cores now. He also wanted to take advantage of the fact that everyone still didn't know the usefulness of the crystal cores, and took the opportunity to purchase a batch of crystal cores in large quantities to enhance his own abilities.

Only in this way can he seize the opportunity and have a place in this apocalyptic world.

"I didn't know that my powers could be improved. It was just by chance a few days ago that I found that the fireballs I shot became bigger and more powerful, so I divided the levels myself."

Mu Shi naturally didn't believe Jiang Hao's words.

Not only because he is Leng Su’s ex-boyfriend, but also because of the evasive look in his eyes when he spoke...

Mu Shi quite admired Jiang Hao for being able to upgrade his abilities to level two in such a short period of time.

But when she thought that he was Leng Su's ex-boyfriend, Mo Shi's enthusiasm for talents disappeared instantly.

Compared with a daughter-in-law, she still knows in her heart who despises and admires whom.


Another bolt of thunder and lightning came towards me.

Jiang Hao was furious, but he couldn't show it, let alone rush to attack the male protagonist.

After all, these dozen green leather cars and the hundreds of soldiers are all the heroes of Mo Shi!

He rushed forward with a bunch of little shrimps who had just awakened their special powers. Wasn't he trying to kill himself with an egg against a stone?

"General Mu, I wonder where I have offended you? To make you so angry that you even want to kill me?"

Mu Shi: "..." Ex-boyfriends and so on are indeed not good things!

Although he did bully him, he really didn't kill him. In the end, listen to what Jiang Hao said.

He actually said that he was going to kill him?

Which one of his eyes saw him and wanted to kill him?

He obviously just wants to teach him a lesson, okay?

As a soldier, Mu Shi would not kill innocent people indiscriminately!

The end of the world has just begun. Jiang Hao is not a man-eating monster like a zombie, and Mo Shi has not yet experienced the true cruelty of people killing each other. How could he kill innocent people indiscriminately? ? ?

PS: [Daily request for votes]

[Update chapter, I finally finished writing the update, I can’t do it anymore, I’m too sleepy, I’m going to bed, good night everyone, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

Thank you [Diamond], [Si Li], [Qian Ye Xue], [Ye Luo Chou Jian] and other four little fairies for their reward support. Mmmah, pen refill, I love you (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

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