The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1468 The end of the world female devil VS cold general (28)

This is a night destined to be restless...

Leng Su had been waiting for several days, and she had to admire Jiang Hao's endurance.

After that day, she thought that guy would be unable to resist a night attack or something that night.

Unexpectedly, after so many days, this guy has been enduring and not doing anything.


Just as Leng Su's thoughts were turning, the inaudible movement in the dark night came clearly to her ears.

Leng Su couldn't help but pause while playing with Mu Shi's hand, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

She said how could this guy be so tolerant...

Ganqing is self-aware and knows that he cannot succeed in a night attack with his own ability, so he has been busy joining forces with certain people these days?

Leng Su's consciousness clearly saw the gate and the black figures outside the window of the house where they were.


There were actually 20 superpowers here. It seemed that in Jiang Hao's heart, he really thought highly of her and Mu Shi!



The door was forced open and the window was broken open with brute force.

A large group of men in black rushed into the apartment where Leng Su and Mu Shi lived...

However, before these people had time to do anything, they felt a sudden spin, and the scene in front of them changed drastically in the next second.

The square with people coming and going, the busy road beside it, and the dazzling neon lights in front of you...

"What...what's going on?"

"Isn't this the busiest central square in our magical city?"

"That's my company!"

"That's my wife!"

"That's my child!"

As he said that, several of the men couldn't help but rush towards the dreamy figures in front of them.

There are also some who are more rational and look at everything around them with vigilance.

"Something's wrong, what the hell is this place, why are we here?"

"Yes, shouldn't we be in that General Mu's apartment?"

"Hey, where are my powers? Why is my fire power missing?"

"My metal power is also gone!"

"And mine, my ice power is gone too!"

"What exactly is going on?"

While these people were panicking, a sudden ringing sound reached their ears.

"Jingle Bell."

"Jingle Bell."

Everyone looked down at the source of the sound, and then they each took out their pre-apocalyptic mobile phones from their pockets.

After seeing the caller clearly, everyone present couldn't help but change their expressions.

They couldn't believe it in their hearts, but faced with everything so real before them, they still couldn't hold it back and answered the phone with trembling hands.

"Hey, son, when will you come back?" an old voice came from the other end of the phone.

The man who answered the phone cried on the spot.


"Husband, until what time will you work overtime tonight? My son and I are still waiting for you at home."

"Wife..." Another crying voice sounded.

"Dad, why haven't you come back yet? Our test papers were handed out today. I got a hundred points. Dad, please come back soon."


With just a few simple phone calls, those with super powers present burst into tears and were completely immersed in the illusion in front of them.

Next to these superpowers, Jiang Hao kept saying something. His hands subconsciously wanted to touch these people, trying to wake them up, but found that no matter how he shook or pushed, these people actually There was no reaction at all...

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