The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1485 Rich model VS Narcissistic financial owner (10)

I thought about it and complained about it, but Leng Su's body was very honest...

Without saying anything, she just reached out and poked at the screen...

"Mr. Qin, this photo is so handsome. Without a smile, you look a bit calm and majestic. With just one glance, my eyes were uncontrollably attracted to you."

"Yeah." Qin Jun replied with a very "reserved" word.

"Mr. Qin's photo is even more handsome. Look at those perfect facial features and that charming smile. People can't help but fall in love at first sight and lose their souls when they see her again."

"Yes." Qin Jun suppressed the excitement in his heart and replied with trembling hands.

"Mr. Qin, you are even more handsome in this photo. I have to say, Mr. Qin, you are indeed a natural beauty. You are a handsome guy with 360-degree angles."

"Look at this angle. Most people would definitely look extremely ugly if they choose this angle, but this photo of you, Mr. Qin, makes people think that you are even more beautiful. It is so beautiful and breathtaking!"

"Hahaha, I just like people like you who can only tell the truth."

Faced with Leng Su's gushing praise, Qin Jun finally couldn't hold it back and sent a voice message directly in excitement.

Leng Su: "..." MMP, you said that you like to have an egg, if you can, you can increase my favorability!

"Mr. Qin, it's getting late. I have something to do here. Can we talk later? Or we can talk about it when we meet tomorrow..."

Seeing the message sent by Leng Su, Qin Jun, who was about to send the selfie video he had just taken, couldn't help but pause.

Qin Jun: "..." What a pity.

Unable to continue chatting.

He hasn't been praised enough yet, so why don't we talk anymore?

What could be more important than chatting with this extremely handsome man?


Thinking of this, Qin Jun couldn't help but sigh.

This Leng Su is indeed different from other vulgar women and men.

Look, all those people have various thoughts about him.

She was the only one who could show no pretense when he came to his door. She was really the real-life version of Liu Xiahui.

Thinking of this, Qin Jun couldn't help but look at Leng Su with increasing admiration.

[Congratulations, Qin Jun's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 60 points. 】

Leng Su: "..." Although this male protagonist is a bit poisonous, he seems to be quite generous in terms of favorability!

The chat was interrupted. After solving Qin Jun's matter, Leng Su logged out of WeChat, opened the address book and dialed the first person's number.

"Hey, Dad, I have something to do tomorrow and I'm afraid I won't be able to go back."

"What else is more important than your father and me?"

"Dad, no one is more important than you. But I do have an appointment tomorrow and I can't postpone it. How about this? I'll come back now and have dinner with you tonight, okay?"

"...No!" The man who had been shouting just now suddenly changed his words.

Leng Su was stunned for a moment, then said with a dark look on his face: "Dad, did you go out to deceive the little girl again?"

"I didn't!" Leng's father denied.

"Why don't you let me go home if you don't."

"Don't I think it's too hard for you to be alone? I'm thinking of finding a nanny to come back and take care of you."

Leng Su: "!!!"

"You also said you didn't go out to deceive the little girl!"

"Dad, if you keep doing this, believe it or not, I will never go home in my life." Leng Su said angrily.

"...I promise, this time is different. Your dad, I really mean it. I feel like I have met true love again!"

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