Seeing Xia Han's expression, everyone's heart "stomped" and suddenly felt that something seemed wrong.

But some people thought that the fun was not big enough, and continued to ask: "Who did you give your first time to?"

Hearing this, Leng Su glanced at the person asking the question and said: "You can only ask one question in truth or falsehood."

"Hehe, let's continue."

As he said, everyone sat together again and turned the wine bottle again.

As expected, under Leng Su's control, the wine bottle was aimed at her again.

Although everyone was very excited and full of gossip, some people still felt weird.

"Why is it aimed at Leng Su every time? Are you cheating?" Someone asked doubtfully.

"Cheating is impossible. It's not the same person spinning. Different people are spinning the wine bottle."

"In my opinion, the reason why this wine bottle is only aimed at Leng Su is probably because everyone wants it..."

Hearing this, Leng Su smiled and said nothing.

"Truth or dare?" Everyone stared at her expectantly.

"Big Adventure."

After learning about Leng Su's choice, everyone present couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

"Big Adventure..." As he said that, someone picked up a bottle of freshly opened wine and placed it in front of Leng Su.

"Choose one person, and you have to feed the whole bottle of wine to the other person with your mouth."

As soon as the voice fell, the bottle of wine was snatched away by Xia Han.

He raised his head, picked up the bottle and took a big gulp.

While drinking, Xia Han's pair of black eyes stared at Leng Su, and the dark light surged in them.

After drinking, Xia Han grabbed Leng Su's hand, pulled her into his arms with a strong pull, pinched her chin with his big hand, and lowered his head to block her red lips.

The wine flowed along the lips of the two people...

Unlike the gentleness of the previous two kisses, Xia Han kissed very hard, very rudely, and very violently.

His big hand exerted great strength on her chin. When their lips touched, after the wine flowed into her mouth, Xia Han did not leave immediately, but opened his mouth and bit her lips fiercely with his teeth.

During this kiss, his eyes never closed from beginning to end, but stared at her eyes.

At this moment, Leng Su could clearly feel the anger emanating from him.

The angrier and more violent he was, the happier Leng Su laughed.

No matter how painful her lips were, the smile on Leng Su's mouth never faded, and she greeted his angry sight with curved eyebrows.

Feeding beer one mouthful after another.

When a bottle of beer was finished, Xia Han still did not let go of Leng Su. He still held her tightly and stared at her.

After looking at the empty bottle beside him, Leng Su's eyes darkened, and he raised his foot and stepped hard on Xia Han's foot.


Xia Han yelled but didn't let her go. Leng Su saw this and her eyes darkened. She bent her knees slightly and attacked a certain part of his lower body.

Leng Su deliberately slowed down. Xia Han was also alert because of the kick just now, so she quickly let go of her and bent down to block her knees with both hands.

After successfully escaping, Leng Su didn't even look at Xia Han, and sat back in her own seat, picked up the wine bottle and asked everyone to continue.

"Don't just stand there and watch, let's continue the next round!"

"Oh... OK..."

"Here we go..."

Hearing this, everyone returned to their respective positions and turned the wine bottle again.

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