The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1759 Twin Sisters VS Banished Immortal Master (24)

As time went by, everyone had almost finished drinking, and had almost finished watching various talents.

Seeing that the hairdresser's banquet was about to end, Sneer couldn't help but speak.

She stood up and walked to the center of the stage, kneeling down towards the emperor.

"I have something to ask my father for, and I hope my father can agree to it."

Hearing this, the emperor immediately frowned and said, "You girl, just tell me what you have to say. How can my father not agree to it?"

"Father, my son has been in love with the Imperial Master for a long time. I hope that my father can make the decision for me and marry him and the Imperial Master."

As soon as the sneer came out, the entire dinner scene once again fell into a strange silence...

Obviously, no one expected that Her Royal Highness, the second princess of the Yong Kingdom, would actually fall in love with the Master...

Although the Imperial Master does indeed look like Yushu Lanzhi, he is extremely handsome.

And he is very capable, but the problem is, among the many imperial advisors in the Yong Kingdom, none of them has ever married or had a family...

Moreover, the current national master Feng Xi is the junior brother of the imperial concubine and the senior uncle of the two princesses.

No matter in terms of age or seniority, the two sisters Feng Xi and Leng Su Lengxiao are not from the same world.

Moreover, Feng Xi is also the master of the eldest princess Leng Su. She sneers and wants to marry Feng Xi. No matter how she says it, she can’t justify it...

Therefore, even the emperor who always loved and sneered fell silent after hearing her request.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" The emperor asked with a low face and a sneer below.


He sneered, kowtowed heavily, and said to the emperor: "Father, I really like the Imperial Master, and please grant me permission."

Hearing this, the emperor did not sneer, but turned to look at Feng Xi who was aside.

"What does the Imperial Master think of this matter?"

Facing the emperor's inquiry and the affectionate look that looked over at him with a sneer, Feng Xi's first reaction was not to answer the emperor's question, but actually turned to look at Leng Su beside him.

I saw the little girl looking at him with a hurt look on her face. After noticing the realization that he had seen the past, she was shaking her head slightly at him...

"Weichen has no idea."

"I have something to report to Your Majesty. I wonder if Your Majesty could lend me a moment to speak?"

As soon as Feng Xi said this, everyone present looked suspicious and puzzled.

Only the emperor, when he learned that Feng Xi had something to report to him, he agreed without saying a word.

The emperor and Feng Xi left the banquet...

Almost as soon as the two of them walked away, their sneering eyes fell on Leng Su.

"Sister, I really like the Imperial Master. Sister, can you help me?"

Hearing this, Leng Su didn't even look at her, let alone talk to her.

"Sister, an elder sister is like a mother. You will definitely take good care of me, right?"

Leng Su: "..." That's weird! ! !

"Sister, you are the only disciple of Master Imperial Master. As long as you ask, sister, I believe you will definitely agree to marry me."

"Sister, my sister has already recognized you in her heart."

"If I can't be with you in this life, my life will be meaningless. Please help me, sister!"

What I have to say is that this sneer is really generous.

Seeing that Leng Su didn't respond for a long time, as she was talking, she actually bent down and kowtowed towards Leng Su...




Violent collisions continued, one after another.

Just listening to it, Leng Su couldn't help but feel "pain" for the sneer...

PS: [The end of the sixth update, good night, moma (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

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