The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1763 Twin Sisters VS Banished Immortal Master (28)

Feng Xi knew very well that she was acting so pretentious and saying such words just to please him...

But it was undeniable that his heart was touched when he saw her face full of joy, praising him with joy and saying that he was the most perfect man in the world in her eyes...

[Congratulations, Feng Xi’s favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 60 points. 】

Leng Su was still talking crazily about how perfect and outstanding he was, but Feng Xi's heart moved and she blurted out a response...

"My teacher has no intention of her."

Six simple words.

As soon as Feng Xi said these words, Leng Su's burning eyes fell on him.

When she looked at her like this, Feng Xi felt a heat behind her ears, and her whole body felt uncomfortable...

Fortunately, they had already reached the palace entrance.

Looking at the carriage waiting in front, Feng Xi quickly accelerated her walking pace, not daring to look at Leng Su's big shining eyes.

Looking at his almost deserted back, Leng Su's lips curved into a happy smile.

Not bad, good, someone finally knows how to be shy and embarrassed.

On the way back to the Imperial Master's Mansion, the two of them were sitting in a small carriage, and Feng Xi felt uncomfortable all over...

The carriage that used to feel spacious now made him feel cramped, and the air seemed not to be very smooth...

It seemed a little difficult to breathe, and the temperature in the carriage seemed a little scary.

Leng Su: "..."

It was obvious that he subconsciously held his breath.

It's okay to be blushing, and you still have to blame someone else's carriage.

"Master, you and the old emperor... No, what did you say to my father that made him change his mind all of a sudden? His attitude changed so much?"

Feng Xi was obviously a little distracted at the moment, so he didn't hear Leng Su's wrong words.

"What did you say……"

Upon hearing this question, Feng Xi couldn't help but think of his conversation with the emperor.

In an instant, his red cheeks quickly lost their warmth and turned pale.

Looking at his appearance, Leng Su's heart couldn't help but tremble, and a guess gradually emerged in her mind...

Just as Feng Xi was in a daze, a warm little hand suddenly grabbed his cold big hand.

Looking up, what came into view was a pair of bright star eyes, a delicate and beautiful little face, and... and a heart-warming smile.

Leng Su looked at him and whispered: "Master, Su Su will always be by your side."

"No matter where Master goes, Su Su will always be with you and never leave you!"

These few words of Leng Su are actually very obvious...

But Feng Xi was so uneasy that she directly ignored these two profound words.

A forced and ugly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he patted Leng Su's little hand, trying to comfort her.

"It's okay as a teacher."

Leng Su: "..." Isn't it just a matter of not being able to live for more than a year?

As long as he is willing to lie in bed and wait for her, his life span will be extended in a matter of minutes!

"But Master, you look very bad..."

"Master, what's wrong with you? Do you want to call the imperial doctor to take a look?"

"No need." Feng Xi said absently.

During the entire journey that followed, Feng Xi remained silent and did not speak again.

Leng Su opened his mouth, intending to say something, but then he seemed to think of something, his eyes flashed, and he shut up and fell silent.


PS: [Daily request for votes, there will be updates later, please wait a moment, okay]

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