The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1770 Twin Sisters VS Banished Immortal Master (36)

Feng Xi hugged her tightly without saying a word...

But Leng Su could clearly feel the violently beating heart in his chest.

You can feel his heavy breathing, and you can feel how strong he is hugging him...

[Congratulations, Feng Xi's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 85 points. 】

Leng Su seemed to be stunned by being hugged suddenly.

For a moment, neither of the two spoke or reacted. They just hugged each other motionlessly and maintained this posture...

A long time passed before Leng Su pretended to react belatedly.

She moved, struggled to lift her head slightly from Feng Xi's arms, and looked at him with a puzzled look on her face.

"Master, are you really okay?"

Hearing this, Feng Xi also adjusted her emotions in time, reluctantly loosened her hands and let go of her.

"I'm fine."

"It's you..."

As she said that, Feng Xi's eyes fell on her bloody body.

He suddenly regretted it...

Don’t you understand what happened to you before?

Why didn't he show up when he saw her injured?

Why do you have to watch her get hurt again and again for a so-called answer, until now she is scarred?

"I'm sorry..." Feng Xi said suddenly.


Seeing the confused look on her face, Feng Xi couldn't help but touch her little face with her big hand, and said again: "I'm sorry."

"Also, don't let yourself get hurt again. No matter who you are, it's not worth it."

"No, Master is worthy of what I do." Leng Su said firmly.

Hearing this, Feng Xi's heart softened again...

Just when he was about to teach Leng Su and tell her that "the master is not worthy," Leng Su suddenly spoke first and changed the subject.

He saw her putting her clenched fisted hand in front of him with excitement on her face.

She looked at him excitedly: "Master, guess what I'm holding in my hand."

Although Feng Xi didn't see anything, she could feel the strong vitality emanating from her palms...

He knew that the thing in her hand was the purpose of her going through all the hardships to reach the top of Yunjing Mountain.

Under his gaze, Leng Su opened his fingers little by little, revealing the true face of the thing.

A small green bead, a fresh vitality is constantly exuding from this bead.

Just smelling this vitality made his defeated body feel like he was getting back on his feet.

Feng Xi could clearly feel that the failed organs in his body were recovering at an extremely slow speed...

While he was stunned, Leng Su stuffed the thing into his mouth without saying a word.

"Master, eat this quickly."

"Eat it, Master, and you can live forever."

As soon as the wooden spirit bead entered his mouth, it turned into a huge upgrading energy and entered his body, his limbs and eight bones.

Feng Xi originally wanted to say something to Leng Su, but he had no choice. With the entry of the Wood Spirit Pearl, the vitality in his body was too huge, so he had to concentrate on guiding and absorbing it.

In desperation, Feng Xi had to give up the idea of ​​continuing the conversation with Leng Su, and instead sat cross-legged on the ground and closed her eyes.

Slowly guide and absorb this huge vitality in the body...

When Feng Xi absorbed the Wood Spirit Pearl, Leng Su sat quietly beside him to protect him, ensuring that he would not be disturbed or affected...

PS: [The end of the sixth update, good night, moma (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

I still owe you 4 chapters of updates. I owed you all the money when I moved at the beginning of this month. I will make it up to you later.

I won’t stay up late tonight. I’ve been staying up late these past few days. When I woke up today, my ears were ringing. It scared me to death. I hope I can get better as soon as possible after taking a good rest these days. Everyone should also pay attention to rest. Don’t stay up late. Good night. Yeah, (`) compare your feelings

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