The heroine was pardoned by the emperor for her crime of deceiving the emperor by disguising herself as a man.

Moreover, the emperor not only did not remove her from the position of general, but also made her the first female general in the Southern Kingdom!

The emperor once asked the heroine if she would like to change into women's clothes and enter the palace to stay with him.

The heroine smiled and shook her head. She leaned forward and kissed him on his thin lips, saying the word "unwilling".

She admitted that she admired him, admired him, respected him, was grateful to him, admired him, and loved him.

But she also knew that he was the emperor, the king of a country, and he was destined to have a harem of three thousand beauties in his life.

She said that she was used to her parents spending their whole lives together.

She didn't want to enter the palace, she didn't want to compete with countless women for him, and she didn't want to suffer through the long nights waiting for his rare arrival.

After hearing what she said and facing her final choice, although the emperor was disappointed, he did not force her.

In the end, one of them was trapped in the high wall of the Forbidden City, and the other traveled to the border and never returned.

Because of the outstanding performances of the original owner and Tang Mu, and because the original owner retired from the entertainment industry, the right time, place and people combined, this drama became a hit without any doubt.

Although the story is old-fashioned, the key is that some details are handled well.

Not only do the actors look great, but their acting skills are also top-notch. The director's shooting techniques are also superb. In addition, the sound was taken on-site and there is no post-dubbing.

Many big-scene battles and large-scale battles are well-produced. This drama can be said to have become the drama with the best reputation in the country Z in the past two years.

It turns out that Tang Mu and the original host also got connected because of this drama.

But because of Si Nan's appearance, causing trouble and deliberately sabotaging things, although Tang Mu and the original owner knew each other because of this drama, they were not familiar with each other and did not understand each other.

The original owner was not moved, and did not feel any compassion for Si Nan, so there was no commemoration.

After the filming of this drama ended, the original owner completely left the entertainment industry and the eyes of the world.

Her marriage with Tang Mu also broke down because of this...

Of course, as the male protagonist, Tang Muna is definitely the straight man among straight men.

Si Nan deliberately wanted to sleep with him, bend him, and attack him, but Tang Mu really only regarded Si Nan as a brother.

At the closing banquet of the drama "Feng Fei Jiu Tian", Si Nan excused himself from not feeling well and could not drink.

As his good brother, Tang Mu naturally stepped forward to help him block the drink.

Later, Tang Mu got drunk, and after Si Nan sent him back to his room, he actually wanted to forcefully have sex with him while he was drunk.

At the critical moment, Tang Mu was drunk and had nausea, but he woke up in time.


He just happened to break through the scene where Si Nan wanted to cheat on him.

Then, Tang Mu was already nauseous and wanted to vomit, but after discovering Si Nan's intention, he vomited even more violently.

After vomiting, before Simon could react, Tang Mu rushed up and punched him several times, and kicked him several times.

Then he wrapped himself in a sheet and ran out of the hotel with empty steps...

After that night, the brotherhood between Tang Mu and Si Nan came to an end.

He met the goddess as he wished, and even collaborated on a drama with his own goddess. Now that the goddess had withdrawn from the entertainment industry, Tang Mu naturally had no more memories of the entertainment industry.

Coupled with the excitement caused by Si Nan's incident, Tang Mu Na immediately left the entertainment industry and returned to work in his own company.

Later, faced with Si Nan's entanglement, Tang Mu directly brought the Si family's company to its knees.

Tang Mu only gave up after forcing Si's father and Si's mother to send Si Nan out of the country...

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