Upon hearing Leng Su's words, Tang Mu instantly showed a distressed look on his face...

"Goddess, I'm sorry."

"I didn't mean to bring up your sadness."

Hearing this, Leng Su smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I'm used to it."

Seeing Leng Su pretending to be strong, Tang Mu felt even more distressed...

[Congratulations, Tang Mu's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 60 points. 】

Si Nan: "..."

After taking in the scene in front of him completely, Si Nan's heart was in an uproar.

As a mission holder, Si Nan also owns the plot related to this mission.

Of course, the plot he has is about the happy life of the male and female protagonists Leng Su and Tang Mu before he entered the mission.

As an outsider, Si Nan knew very well who Leng Su was and what his identity was.

Seeing her, a silver dragon that had lived for tens of thousands of years, open her eyes and tell lies, saying that she was an orphan, Si Nan could hear the corners of her mouth twitching.

He has never seen such a shameless and shameless dragon.

Although she has lived for tens of thousands of years, she still eats young grass like an old cow. Xiao thought of a boy who was tens of thousands of years younger than her.

A boy who is not yet an adult to her! ! !

A silver dragon reaches adulthood at the age of one thousand.

For Leng Su, Tang Mu will never reach adulthood in this life...

Even shameless, talking nonsense and getting miserable...

Si Nan was already very angry with Leng Su. When he saw that Tang Mu was so cooperative with Leng Su to complete the scene, he almost fell to the sky with anger.

However, what Simon didn't know was that the scene of "a woman singing and her husband accompanying" in front of him was just the beginning for him...

Just when Leng Su and Tang Mu were having a lively chat, the director arrived in time with all the crew members.

At the dinner table, everyone ate and drank comfortably, and chatted enthusiastically.

At this moment, Leng Su suddenly mentioned the scene at the door of the hotel as if by accident.

"Director Literary, aren't the confidentiality measures our crew has taken very good?"

"Why did I just bump into a young fan in the hotel who seemed to know the news in advance..."

"Not only did he bring a large bouquet of roses, but he also gave me a diamond necklace. I was almost scared to death."

Upon hearing Leng Su's words, the expression on the literary director's face changed immediately.

"I'll have someone investigate this matter."

"The flowers and the necklace?" As he said that, the literary director looked at her.

"The man ran very fast, appeared suddenly, stuffed something into my arms, and then disappeared."

"But I have asked Sister Fang to post on Weibo to handle it. I will donate this necklace to the Love Foundation."

When he heard Leng Su's suggestion, the literary director's eyes lit up fiercely.

"This is good."

"This way, even if the paparazzi takes pictures, it won't cause any ugly scandal."

Yes, fans are right to be star-chasing.

But Leng Su is a star. As a public figure, if she accepts gifts from fans for no reason, she will definitely be criticized and easily criticized.

If she donated her things, naturally no fans would have anything to say.

If the other party wants to claim it back, Leng Su is not short of money for such a necklace.

It can be said that everyone present nodded in agreement after hearing Leng Su's solution.

Only Simon...

His face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming increasingly uglier and uglier...

PS: There is still an update. If you want to make up for it, it will be on April 8th. There will be a surprise on April 8th. Let’s guess what the surprise is. Hehehe (*^▽^*)

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