Leng Su slept until the next day...

The first thing she did when she woke up was to check Weibo and read the news.

As expected, the previous comments that scolded and slandered her were completely suppressed.

Now, the Weibo post she gave to Sister Fang was the hot topic.

For a while, the Internet was full of scolding...

Of course, these people were not scolding her, Leng Su, or Tang Mu, but Si Nan, the outsider.

Leng Su was in a good mood and clicked on the video and watched it again.

"We are innocent."

"Yes, yes, Si Nan instructed us to do all this."

"He gave us a large sum of money and threatened us with the Si family, saying that if we dared to betray him, he would have plenty of ways to kill us."

"Yes, all of this was arranged by that Si Nan, and we just followed his arrangements."

"It was Si Nan who deliberately led Tang Mu to the gay bar, and it was Si Nan who gave us the drug and asked us to find a way to force Tang Mu to drink it."

"Yes, it was Si Nan who gave us his ID card and asked us to lock him and Tang Mu in a room."

"Yes, yes, that Si Nan also asked us to break the door lock of the room, lock the balcony door, and break the toilet door."

"And he also asked us to take away Si Nan and Tang Mu's mobile phones."

"And the telephone line in the hotel room was also cut by Si Nan."

"Where is the evidence?" Leng Su said this in a false voice.

"We have evidence. When Si Nan gave us the cash and arranged what we should do, our brothers secretly recorded it..."

"We originally wanted to secretly record the video, but Si Nan was too vigilant, so we really couldn't do anything."

"And there is a surveillance video in the bar box. The surveillance can see that we didn't do anything to Si Nan. Everything was just Si Nan acting after Tang Mu came."


The video ended here, and all the truth was revealed.

Leng Su was cleared of suspicion, and Si Nan's sinister intentions were also announced to the world.

Some of those who had previously slandered Leng Su took the initiative to delete their messages and apologized to her.

Some silently deleted their messages and disappeared.

Some were still stubborn and continued to fight with Leng Su's fans.

They said that even if she didn't do it, Leng Su would definitely not be clean since she was in the entertainment industry.

Some still suspected that Leng Su was involved in this matter.

Whatever, the crew arranged a hotel for them, why did she just happen to go to that hotel, and just happened to book a room next to Si Nan and Tang Mu.

Why was it so coincidental that she saved Si Nan and Tang Mu just before they got into trouble.

This small group of people are shouting "Leng Su is not a good person".

What "Leng Su must also be plotting something bad".

Of course, what these black fans said are just their own guesses and conjectures.

The other passers-by and small fans feel guilty because of a series of misunderstandings about her before.

Therefore, even if they are curious in their hearts why all this is so coincidental, they still don't continue to say bad things about Leng Su, or question her, but are frantically defending Leng Su...

After seeing these fans' messages, Leng Su couldn't help but chuckle.

Yes, that's right, she was plotting something bad against Tang Mu, so what? ? ?

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you for the little fairy [Si Li] for your reward and support, mua mua da (`) love

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