"Susu is just not feeling well... she just wants to postpone the filming schedule..."

Just peat!

You bastard, you might as well just resign!

If you just resign, he can still use the contract to sue you.

Not only can he get a large amount of compensation, but he can also find another actor to replace Leng Su and continue acting.

But unfortunately...

Unfortunately, they didn't quit the show, but roundaboutly said they felt unwell, couldn't continue filming, and had to postpone filming.


This is a drama with a big heroine.

If the heroine isn’t filmed anymore, who will they be filming?

Are you going to take pictures of ghosts? ? ?

So angry! ! !

"No, Fang Hui, you can't be so unkind."

"This is not the first time we have cooperated. What do you mean?"

Faced with the questioning from the literary director, the agent, Sister Fang, said helplessly: "Director, speaking of this matter, it's really not our Su Su's fault."

"There was such a commotion on the Internet two days ago. Aren't all the investors discussing replacing us, Su Su?"

"Think about it, Su Su has been in the entertainment industry for so many years. It's not easy for her to get through this journey."

"Outsiders don't know what kind of person our Su Su is, how can you still not know?"

"Our Susu is angry with you. She feels that she treats you as friends, but you treat her as an outsider. She feels aggrieved and uncomfortable."

"..." Listening to the manager Sister Fang's words, the literary director's mouth twitched.

"Literary director, you don't know. In the past two days, Su Suna has been unable to eat or sleep well. We are very thin and our energy is even worse."

"No, I didn't drink a sip of water or eat a morsel of food when I woke up this morning. I just kept vomiting."

When he heard Sister Fang's words, Leng Su couldn't help but pause while eating, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously curved into a deep arc.

Let you change roles!

"I advised her to go to the hospital, but she refused to go no matter what, and she was crying so hard that her tears looked like they were free..."

"Director Literary, you don't know, I have always been with Su Su, and I have always taken care of her as my own sister."

"When I saw her feeling so uncomfortable, I felt very uncomfortable!"

Literary Director: "..." Pretend, keep pretending! ! !

"Fang Hui, we have known each other for so many years, right? Don't beat around the bush and just make the conditions."

"I'm going to discuss with a few investors to see how this matter is handled."

Upon hearing what the literary director said, Sister Fang suddenly showed a triumphant smile on her face.

"Fifty million!"

Literary Director: "!!!"

"Fang Hui, you guys have gone too far!!!" Director Wen said with a dark face and gritted teeth.

"Director Wen, the price is actually not high."

"You can do the math for yourselves. After this incident, our crew has saved a lot of publicity expenses..."

"If my calculation is correct, I will save at least 10 million in publicity fees, right?"

"If you do the math, our Susu's reputation has increased several notches because of this incident..."

"Moreover, this drama is the last drama that Su Su decided to withdraw from. Originally, your drama took advantage of Su Su."

"Su Su liked this script before and thought you were a nice writer, so I didn't care that the price you offered was unreasonable..."

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