Finally, the car stopped on a remote road in the suburbs...

Surrounded by countless fields, Tang Mu sat in the driver's seat in a daze after parking the car.

"Si Nan confessed to me..."

Just when Leng Su was hesitant to speak to break the strange silence, Tang Mu spoke.

He turned his head and looked at Leng Su with a confused expression.

"I'm in a bad mood now..."

"I never thought it would come to this."

"I have always regarded him as a brother. Over the years, we have obviously gotten along very well."

"I don't even know when he started to become..."

"I remember, Si Nan was definitely not like this before..."

Seeing Tang Mu's disappointed look, Leng Su sighed silently in his heart.

You fool...

Your brother has already gone to the underworld to report.

The current Si Nan is not the brother you grew up with.

Now Si Nan is just a "man" who has evil intentions towards you.

"Then what do you think?"

Hearing this, Tang Mu blinked in confusion and said, "I don't know..."

Looking into his clear eyes, Leng Su's eyes couldn't help but twinkle, and she suddenly asked: "When Si Nan confessed to you, did you feel your heart fluttering?"

"At that time, was your heart beating fast? Was there any surprise? Excitement?"

Hearing this, Tang Mu blinked his eyes, thought about it seriously, and then shook his head decisively: "No."

"My mind went blank at the time. I felt unbelievable and unbelievable. I felt that this shouldn't be like this."

"I really just regard him as a brother." Tang Mu emphasized.

"Oh..." Leng Su nodded and responded.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

"Based on our interactions during this period, I don't think Si Nan looks like the kind of person who would give up easily." Leng Su said unclearly.

Hearing this, Tang Mu nodded in agreement: "Yes, he also said today that from today on, he will pursue me..."

When he mentioned this, Tang Mu's face became a little ugly.

He suddenly grabbed Leng Su's hand and looked at her with a pleading look on his face: "Goddess, please help me."

"I really don't like Simon!"

"No, that's not right. It should be that I don't like men, let alone Simon."

"What I like is a beautiful woman like you, the goddess!" Tang Mu blurted out in excitement.

After finishing speaking, Tang Mu finally realized what he had just said.

He subconsciously covered his mouth, his handsome fair face flushed suddenly, and his black eyes began to move continuously, but he did not dare to look directly at Leng Su in front of him...

After taking in the shy little beauty Tang Mu, Leng Su's eyes darkened unconsciously.

If it weren't for the bad timing, she would have knocked him down and eaten him clean.

I have to say that this little goblin is becoming more and more courageous, and he actually dares to be entangled, sad, and sad because of a man's confession! ! !

"I do have a good idea, but I don't know if you are willing to try it..." Leng Su said unclearly.

"Good idea?" Tang Mu was confused.

"Aren't you worried about how to get rid of Simon's entanglement? I have a good idea to help you. It depends on whether you are willing to give it a try." Leng Su explained.

Seeing the bright smile on her face, Tang Mu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated...




PS: [Daily request for votes]

[I have been saving manuscripts recently, and the number should reach 100,000 on April 8th. Dear friends, please bless me, I hope I can save so many manuscripts. 】

Thank you [Withered Fallen Leaves] [The avatar is two little feet and big red lips] and the two little fairies for your support. Mmm (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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