The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1818 “Legendary” movie queen VS fanboy intern (39)

Seeing him hemming and hawing, wanting to say something but not daring to say it, Leng Su felt tired for him.

She didn't say anything, but stepped forward and blocked Tang Mu's mouth...


Tang Mu was stunned for a moment, then showed a silly smile.

[Congratulations, Tang Mu's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 90 points. 】

Different from the happiness and sweetness of Leng Su and Tang Mu, Si Nan's expression changed on the spot after seeing the nine palace pictures of the two people announcing their relationship.

He went around and around and staged such a big drama, but in the end, the two people came together.

On this day, the entire country Z was discussing the new relationship between "Legendary Movie Queen" Leng Su and Tang Mu.

After the two parties made out, they drove carelessly and took a romantic drive.

After confirming the couple's relationship, Tang Mu forgot all the bad things about Simon.

He drove the car and took Leng Su to the beach, bought a large bouquet of roses and other things for her, and drew a "love at first sight" pattern on the beach for her.

Just as the two were about to have a candlelight dinner, Father Tang and Mother Tang called...

"Tang Mu, are you cowardly?"

"The wings are hard, right?"

"You secretly left the hospital behind our backs without telling us, and you didn't tell us that you were in love? And you learned to kill first and tell the story later?"

"Mom, things are not what you think. Can you wait until I get back later to tell you?"

"No, I'll give you ten minutes. If you haven't appeared in front of me and your father, then you don't have to come back in the future."

With that said, Mrs. Tang hung up the call with a click.

"Ring ring ring."

Just as Tang Mu hung up the phone, Leng Su's phone rang again.

Without the slightest surprise, the caller turned out to be Sister Fang.

The two looked at each other, and Leng Su said helplessly: "It seems that we can't have this candlelight dinner."

"If you want to eat, I will take you to eat every day from now on." Tang Mu said.

Hearing this, Leng Su chuckled and said, "Not bad, I finally got the idea."

"Okay, take me back to the hotel. Sister Fang and the literary director are probably still waiting for news from me."


On the same day, Leng Su was severely scolded by Sister Fang after returning to the hotel.

He angrily asked her whether she considered her to be her manager, and why he couldn't inform her in advance of such a big announcement of his relationship so that she could be mentally prepared.

Can you not catch her off guard every time...

"I'm sorry, Sister Fang, don't be angry. I'll quit the show after this movie is finished."

"But you haven't withdrawn yet, Leng Su, I'm warning you, if you do this again next time, I won't do it!"

"I know, I know."

There was a lot of excitement on the Internet because of the incident between Leng Su and Tang Mu.

In real life, Leng Su and Tang Mu had pain and joy intertwined.

They enjoy the happiness that love brings to them.

While enjoying the inquiries and congratulations from family and friends around her after announcing her relationship.

After a busy day, the crew started working early the next morning, and Leng Su was forced to get into work mode.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she arrived at the set, she saw someone who was both expected and unexpected.

He stepped forward with a happy smile on his lips, reached out and took the breakfast handed over by Tang Mu, while eating and asking about the other person.

"Isn't your filming postponed? Why are you here on the set again?"

"I miss you."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

I'm stuck today. I'm a little out of sorts and can't write. Please go to bed early after reading this chapter. The rest will be updated tomorrow.

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