The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1824 “Legendary” movie queen VS fanboy intern (45)

Hearing Director Wen's voice suddenly come from behind, Si Nan's body stiffened suddenly.

And Han Wei was so frightened that he suddenly turned around...

Looking at Han Wei's exposed forehead and the large patch of blue and purple on his forehead, the literary director's expression suddenly darkened...

While Han Wei was tensed up and before he could react, the literary director reached out and pulled off the clothes covering his face.

In an instant, the terrifying face that was beyond recognition and bloated into a pig's head was exposed to everyone's eyes.

Although everyone had already guessed it and was mentally prepared, they were still frightened when this unrecognizable face actually appeared in everyone's sight.


All the crew members present couldn't help but gasp.

Looking at the unrecognizable Han Wei in front of them, and looking at the Si Nan beside Han Wei who never turned his head, everyone couldn't help but look at each other...

Some people in the crew reacted quickly. They looked at Han Wei and Si Nan in front of them, and suddenly seemed to have thought of something.

Turning his head suddenly, he looked at Leng Su and Tang Mu who were smiling in the crowd...

Originally, Leng Su and Tang Mu were not smiling, and those people were just guessing, not sure yet, and a little unbelievable.

But Leng Su and Tang Mu laughed.

Not only did they smile, they also smiled with pride and gloating, as if they were deeply afraid that others would not know that they had done this...

All crew members: "..."

Can't afford to offend! ! !

They are all big guys. It is better for these little fishes and shrimps to stay away from the center of the storm and stay safe.

Even the literary director reacted belatedly after getting angry.

After looking at Han Wei and Si Nan in front of him, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Tang Mu and Leng Su in the crowd.

Not only were these two people smiling with triumphant faces, they were actually whispering to each other and discussing with the people around them what Han Wei looked like now...

"I feel like a panda!"

"I feel like Black Cat!"

"Don't be like this. I think pandas and black cats are cute, so they're not so scary!"

Not only did they not lower their voices when they spoke, but they raised the sound of their voices several degrees as if on purpose...

"You said that Han Wei is so ugly that people and gods are outraged. How ugly is Sinan who has been so afraid to turn around?"

"I don't know, he hasn't turned around yet..."

"How about we go around to the front and see how scary he is?"

"It's better to say goodbye. This is not good. There are so many people here. It's easy for us to offend people."

"What should we do?"

"Otherwise... let the literary director speak, let the literary director call out Si Nan, and if he rips the clothes off Si Nan's face, he will die."

"That's right. Anyway, Han Wei's clothes were ripped off by the literary director. If he rips off one of his clothes, he would rip off both of them."

Seeing Leng Su and Si Nan talking more and more, even the literary director couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth...

Someone is coming!

Drag these two people who harbor evil intentions out and beat them to death with sticks! ! !

Can these one and two people stop?

Can he still finish filming this drama safely?

This day is not over yet, is it?

Seeing the director's expression, his mood was getting worse and worse. Leng Su and Tang Mu looked at each other silently, then obediently closed their mouths that were still chattering...

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