Jiang Rui couldn't hear what Jiang Ying and Leng Su said from the video.

He could only see the expressions of these two people...

Jiang Ying looked very relaxed, but Leng Su felt something was wrong. In the end, she even trembled all over and forced Jiang Ying out of the room.

Jiang Rui didn't look any further. He silently turned off the monitor, stood up and left the study.

at dusk.

Jiang Ying had just gotten rid of the scumbag husband in her previous life. After returning home, she just wanted to see Leng Su and test her harvest this afternoon...

Unexpectedly, as soon as she arrived at the gate of the villa, she was blocked by four bodyguards at the gate.

"What are you doing?"

"Why do you stop me?"

"The eldest young master asked us to stop the young lady and not let you in."

"If the young lady has any questions, she might as well ask the young master."

Facing Jiang Ying's reprimand, the four bodyguards were indifferent.

Like door gods, they stood motionless on both sides of the villa's entrance, reaching out to block Jiang Ying's path.

"Jiang Rui? Why didn't he let me in?" Jiang Ying asked confused.

"We are just following orders. If the eldest lady has any questions, she should ask the eldest young master."

"You won't let me in, how can I ask?" Jiang Ying said dissatisfied.

However, this time these bodyguards stopped paying attention to her.

Seeing this, Jiang Ying could only take out her cell phone angrily and dial Jiang Rui's number.

However, Jiang Rui had already blacklisted her number, and no matter how she called, she couldn't get through...

Jiang Ying had no choice but to call the Jiang family's landline again.

However, the servants at home had already received orders from Jiang Rui and were not allowed to accept any calls from Jiang Ying.

The bodyguards refused to let in, and Jiang Rui couldn't get through to his home phone. Jiang Ying tried to rush in several times but failed.

In the end, Jiang Ying had no choice but to call Jiang's father and Jiang's mother.

Here, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother happened to be on their way home. After hearing Jiang Ying's accusation against Jiang Rui, they quickly comforted Jiang Ying.

After ending the call with Jiang Ying, Jiang's father and mother Jiang called Jiang Rui.

However, Jiang Rui didn't even answer their calls...

The couple had no choice but to ask the driver to drive faster, drive faster, and hurried home.

When Father Jiang and Mother Jiang arrived home, it was already dark.

Jiang Ying was standing at the gate of the villa with an aggrieved look on her face.

As soon as Jiang Ying saw Jiang's father and Jiang's mother coming back, she limped towards them.

"Mom and Dad, you must make the decision for me!"

"Jiang Rui is so abominable this time. He actually asked the bodyguard to stop me from entering."

"He still doesn't answer my call, and he doesn't let the housekeeper and others answer my call, wuwuwu..."

"Yingying, don't cry. Your parents are here. That bastard Jiang Rui will never bully you." Jiang's father said.

"You go in with your parents and see if these bodyguards dare to stop you."

With that said, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother pulled Jiang Ying towards the gate of the villa.


Jiang's father and Jiang's mother never expected that they would really be stopped! ! !

The most annoying thing is that before they could speak, these bodyguards spoke first.

"Master, madam, the eldest young master said that the eldest lady is not allowed to enter."

"The eldest young master also said that if the lord and his wife insist on taking the eldest lady in, then they don't have to go in!"

After the bodyguard finished speaking, Father Jiang and Mother Jiang were dumbfounded...

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