The little girl's smiling eyebrows are curved, and the pear dimples on both sides of her mouth make her look extremely sweet, which attracts other people's attention...



No, the photographer who was taking pictures of the celebrities suddenly moved his camera, pointed it at Leng Su, and pressed the shutter several times in succession.

Jiang Rui stared intently at the smiling little girl in front of him, the moment she looked at him, the moment she grinned at him.

When she saw that her heart and eyes were all about him, Jiang Rui felt her heart beating rapidly in her chest...

An indescribable feeling overwhelmed his whole being.

[Congratulations, Jiang Rui's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 75 points. 】

The moment he heard the favorability value ringing, Leng Su's eyes flashed involuntarily.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Jiang Rui's favorability is not low.

But in her opinion, this favorability value is on the low side...

After all, in the plot she received, Jiang Rui was really nice to the original owner.

Now it seems that Jiang Rui may like the original owner, but there must be an obsession mixed with it, or that's what he is like.

Unconditionally protect and pamper the people and things you like.

Commonly known as..."the shortcomings maniac"? ? ?

Although the favorability value was not as high as expected, Leng Su didn't feel too disappointed or had any other emotions.

She thought about it and quickly forgot the idea.

Jiang Rui, on the other hand, was still immersed in Leng Su's beautiful smile, but he didn't want to be woken up by the constant sound of shutters nearby.

I saw that several cameramen who were supposed to be staying aside ran in front of them at some point, some bent down, and some were squatting there.

The cameras in the hands of these people were all aimed at the girl next to him, choosing various angles and filming non-stop.

Jiang Rui's face turned dark on the spot!

His first reaction was to pull the laughing Leng Su into his arms, hold her head down, and bury her face deeply in his chest.

The photographers were taking pictures with great interest, but unexpectedly, the smiling face of the smiling girl suddenly disappeared...

Everyone looked up from the camera screen and subconsciously looked in the direction of Leng Su.

They saw a handsome man with a strong aura staring at them with a pair of captivating black eyes...

As soon as the photographer's eyes met this man's, he couldn't help but tremble.

They were so frightened that they quickly put down their cameras, smiled apologetically at Jiang Rui, turned around and ran away.

This man is so terrible!

His eyes were like those of a ferocious beast, as if he had really done something heinous and bad and wanted to eat him alive.

Obviously...he just took a few photos.

Moreover, he didn't mean anything else. He just thought that the lady's smile was contagious and beautiful.

He didn't mean anything else...

Moreover, he is the cameraman of the number one media house in country Z. To be photographed by him and to be published in their weekly magazine is what many celebrities in the country wish for.

You know, their quality is really high!

Their families really look down on ordinary little stars.

In country Z, among the celebrities who can be featured in their weekly magazine, which one has not already aspired to the entertainment industry and has an unshakable position in the entertainment industry of country Z?


PS: [The sixth update is over, good night. 】

PS: Update the random drop problem (requirements to participate in the event: fan value 5000+)

In the update starting from the 3rd, questions about the plot of the book will be randomly dropped. You can answer them in the discussion bar at the end of the chapter. The number of questions dropped is not necessarily certain. The first correct answer will add 1 point. You can answer it separately (answer each question one by one). No points will be added for subsequent correct answers. The answer to the question will be posted in front of the new question in the next chapter where the question is dropped. The event lasts for fifteen days. Before the end of the event, the first, second, and third place scorers will receive prizes or bonuses. You can choose freely.

If you choose bonus, the standard is

First place 30 yuan

Second place 20 yuan

Third place 10 yuan

If you choose a prize, you can make a wish

Such as fans, customized pillows, customized water cups, notebooks, tape, glass dip pens, dip pens, etc.

Note: Making a wish does not mean that the prize is what you wish for. Please refer to the lucky bag. In addition, I will try my best to fulfill the wish within my ability, but don't say that wishing for hundreds of things is impossible and non-existent. Please refer to the bonus for the wish price standard.


——bySorrow is Eternal

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