Leng Su: "..." My brother is awesome.

The crowd: "..." Is it really okay to bully people so shamelessly?

The mixed-race man was stunned at first, but he became even more angry after he realized it.

He ignored the constant sound of stopping from the Bluetooth headset beside his ear, and rushed towards Jiang Rui in a fit of rage.




Although the mixed-race man was burly and huge, his skills were obviously not good enough.

As soon as he approached Jiang Rui, he was kicked out by Jiang Rui.

Even Leng Su, who was used to seeing the world, couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw this scene, her mouth slightly opened, and her face was full of disbelief...

Fog, he is worthy of being her Leng Su's man, this level of awesomeness is really not something that ordinary people can match.

The commotion here was too loud, and soon security guards and staff surrounded him.

These staff knew Jiang Rui's identity, but they didn't know this mixed-race man.

Just as these people stepped forward to try to stop the fight and ask about the whole story, Jiang Ying ran out from nowhere.

"A Rui, Su Su, what a coincidence, I didn't expect that we would dare to meet at this fashion show..."

Because of Jiang Ying's appearance, everyone's attention was attracted.

At this moment, the mixed-race man on the ground suddenly ran up from the ground, quickly rushed into the crowd on the side, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The security guards and staff were about to chase him, but Jiang Rui suddenly spoke.

"No need to chase..."

"This, is, Mr. Jiang."

The moment Jiang Rui said there was no need to chase, Leng Su clearly saw Jiang Ying's eyes flashing, and secretly exhaled.

Leng Su was not the only one who noticed Jiang Ying's change...

"A Rui, Su Su, what happened just now? Are you all right?" Jiang Ying pretended to be worried.

Facing her question, Leng Su remained silent, and Jiang Rui was even more straightforward, not even giving her a look.

Seeing her existence being ignored by these two people, Jiang Ying was so angry that her teeth itched.

But she couldn't explode and could only endure it.

Jiang Rui ignored Jiang Ying and turned around and walked out of the show with Leng Su in his arms.

Seeing this, Jiang Ying hurriedly followed: "Su Su, A Rui, which hotel are you staying in? I just arrived today and I'm staying in XX Hotel temporarily..."

"Where are you going now? It's a rare opportunity to meet, how about I treat you to a meal?"

Along the way, Jiang Rui and Leng Su were both silent, but Jiang Ying was chattering.

I don't know if it was her illusion, Leng Su always felt that as Jiang Ying chattered, Jiang Rui seemed to be emitting a terrifying chill...

This male protagonist is not right...

Could it be that Jiang Ying secretly took action against her again?

Or was it because of the mixed-race man just now?

While Leng Su was guessing, Jiang Rui had already carried her into the car. Seeing this, Jiang Ying was about to get in the car with him, but Jiang Rui took out a thermos cup from somewhere.

He opened it and poured it on Jiang Ying's face without hesitation.

The water in the thermos cup was very hot, and Jiang Ying covered her face and screamed on the spot...


"My face! My face! Jiang Rui!"

Just as Jiang Ying squatted on the ground and screamed, the car door was closed and the car rushed out...

PS: [Update is over, good night, little fairies, muah (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

I have good news for everyone. I worked hard all night for a week and finally saved 40,000 manuscripts, which is 40 chapters...嘤嘤嘤, I am still struggling to save manuscripts...

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