Just as Leng Su was complaining, Jiang Rui's hands were operating on the computer again.

Soon, another scene appeared.

It seemed that the noise in her room was too loud, and Jiang's father and mother were attracted to come up.

Jiang Ying hurriedly opened the window and hid on the balcony outside.

After Jiang's father and mother entered the room, they were first stunned and angry, and then desperate.

At this moment, Leng Su obviously noticed that Jiang's father and mother looked at the balcony where Jiang Ying was hiding for several times...

Just as Leng Su was wondering how Jiang's father and mother found Jiang Ying, Jiang Rui's hands were operating on the computer again.

Soon, the key point of the balcony was magnified.

The corner of Jiang Ying's skirt exposed outside was clearly visible...

Leng Su: "..." This outsider is really stupid, but she likes it so much, what should I do?

If all future tasks are such outsiders, she doesn't know how much easier it will be.

Without her doing anything, they will dig their own graves.

The screen fast-forwarded again, and Jiang's father and mother seemed to have known that it was Jiang Ying who destroyed her room.

The two elders looked at each other, their faces full of emotion. In the end, they turned around silently, closed the door and left silently.

Jiang Rui operated again, and the screen changed again.

Two pictures appeared on the computer screen, one was still her room, and the other was a scene of Jiang's father and mother going downstairs and returning to their own room.

In the picture, Jiang Ying ran out as soon as Jiang's father and mother left.

Just as she was about to escape from her room, Jiang Ying suddenly looked at her completely destroyed room for a long time.

The look on her face also changed from the initial jealousy and excitement to fear and despair.

Then, Jiang Ying turned around and ran out of the room, heading towards Jiang's father and mother's room on the second floor.

Since there was no camera installed in Jiang's father and mother's room, they could only see Jiang Ying running into Jiang's father and mother's room.

As for what she said to Jiang's father and mother and what she did, they had no way of knowing.

The progress bar was fast-forwarded again, and the picture changed again.

When Jiang Ying came out of Jiang's father and mother's room, the fear and despair on her face disappeared.

Instead, she turned into a smug look. However, Jiang Ying seemed to have thought of something and actually looked back at Jiang's father and mother's room. The expression on her face was extremely distorted and terrible...

Seeing this, Jiang Rui did not close the screen immediately.

Instead, he silently processed and edited the shots they had just seen.

Soon, the extra pictures were cut off by Jiang Rui. After he sorted out the video, he saved several copies and then turned off the computer.

"Brother, what did my parents say just now?"

Looking at Jiang Rui's gloomy face, combined with Jiang Ying's smug look at the end of the video, Leng Su actually had a guess in her heart.

And Jiang Rui's answer also confirmed the guess in her heart...

"My parents said that there was a thief in the house, your room was destroyed, and they were also injured. They are now in the hospital." Jiang Rui said calmly.

Hearing this, Leng Su said in surprise: "My parents are in the hospital? Are they okay?" Hearing this, Jiang Rui said calmly: "I don't know." "I don't know?" Leng Su looked weird. Jiang Rui calmly explained: "I hung up the phone when I heard that your room was destroyed. My parents probably haven't finished talking yet..." Leng Su: "..." —— PS: [Daily vote request] The fourth update is over. Xiaoxiao, I will continue to write the manuscript. The next update will be on April 8. My dears, please bless me. Muah (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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