
After Jiang Rui sent the video to Jiang's father and Jiang's mother, he contacted his people and asked them to help him find Jiang Ying's current whereabouts.

Jiang Ying and the mixed-race man caused quite a stir at the fashion show, and were photographed and videotaped by the media. In addition, she also went to a local ATM to transfer money.

Therefore, it was easy for Jiang Rui to find her...

In the bar box.

Jiang Ying was sitting next to the mixed-race man, discussing and conferring with another gang of gangsters.

Just when Jiang Ying and the gang were planning how to kill Leng Su Jiang Rui, the door of the box they were in was kicked open.


"Who the fuck..."

Before those gangsters could finish speaking, they were frightened by the scene in front of them.

I saw the leader, a man and a woman, rushing in with a large group of bodyguards.

At a glance, he had at least twenty or thirty bodyguards with him.

The originally spacious box was suddenly packed, and they were directly targeted with sticks by the bodyguards.

Seeing Jiang Rui and Leng Su rushing in like this, Jiang Ying's face turned pale.

But soon, she calmed down her panic and stood up.

"Arui, Susu, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, Jiang Rui didn't say anything, but just looked at the bodyguard beside him and signaled: "Take him away.

Facing the bodyguards approaching her, Jiang Ying's expression changed again and again. Fortunately, the mixed-race Nan was there to help her block the bodyguards.

"Jiang Rui, I'm your sister, why do you treat me like this?" Jiang Ying roared loudly.

Seeing that Jiang Rui was unwilling to talk to Jiang Ying, Leng Su opened his mouth to increase the hatred.

"My parents said there was a thief at home, and my brother brought me here to catch the thief."

"Been robbed?" A look of panic quickly flashed across Jiang Ying's face.

"What does the robbery at home have to do with me?" Jiang Ying said with a dying struggle.

Hearing this, Leng Su said proudly again: "Sister, I forgot to tell you, my brother installed a surveillance camera in my room~~~"

That ecstatic little note and that proud look on his face made Jiang Ying itch with hatred.

Jiang Rui, on the other hand, saw her reaction in his eyes, and an invisible smile flashed in his eyes.

"Surveillance camera?" The calm look on Jiang Ying's face finally lost its hold.

"Sister, do you really hate me that much?"

"But you weren't like this before. Although you ignored me and didn't like me before, you never bullied me."

"But why have you changed recently?"

"You always speak ill of my brother in front of me, always ask me to ignore my brother, and you always say that my brother is good to me just to get a large inheritance from my parents."

"You even slandered my brother and my parents, saying that the reason my parents died was because... because..."

Leng Su didn't continue what she said next, but Jiang Rui's dark face next to her told her that her goal had been achieved.

"Leng Su, you are spitting blood!"

"When did I say these words?"

"You slandered me, I want to tell my parents, I want my parents to judge me!"

After saying that, Jiang Ying wanted to take out her mobile phone with an angry look on her face.

As a result, as soon as she moved, the bodyguards beside her received Jiang Rui's signal and pounced directly on her.

Jiang Ying and the mixed-race man were suppressed by a group of bodyguards, and all the mobile phone wallets on her and the mixed-race man were found...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

[Question 2: In the dimension of "Model with Rich Money vs. Narcissistic Money Master", when the male protagonist Qin Jun brought Leng Su to the banquet, why did he slander the young men at the banquet and the chairman and CEO of the major groups, etc.? 】Remarks: You must have 5,000+ fan points to answer the questions, which means that only the "Deacon" who answers the questions correctly is valid.

[The correct answerer to question 1 is the little fairy "Qianqian Xiyue". Dear, remember to take a screenshot of your answer at that time, okay? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~】

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