"That's true when you say that..."

"Now I see that this damn boy Jiang Rui is going to the third place. No matter how hard we two have urged him these past years, this damn boy just won't take the hard way."

"We have arranged so many blind dates for him, but we have never seen him go to one."

"Every time in order to get him to go on a blind date, we had to fight with him in a battle of wits and courage, but we never won once!"

"Now, he is willing to be with Su Su, and Su Su doesn't dislike him, which is good."

Thinking of this, Jiang's mother felt more happy than worried.

However, after muttering about these benefits, Jiang's mother still couldn't hold back and complained about Jiang Rui again...

"Although that's true, I still think Jiang Rui, this damn boy, is too crazy."

"I, the mother who gave birth to him and raised him, never thought that this damn boy would have such a hobby as 'pedophilia'!!!"

Father Jiang: "..." Have you ever said that about your own son? ? ?

Seeing that Jiang's mother seemed to be complaining about Jiang Rui endlessly, Jiang's father quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, don't worry about this problem."

"The top priority is to find Yingying."

When Jiang Ying was mentioned, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother's faces were full of helplessness.

They all watched the video sent by Jiang Rui, and the couple also witnessed Jiang Ying's craziness and affectation in the video.

To be honest, I feel very cold and sad.

Although Jiang Ying is not their biological child, it is precisely because of this that they treat her much better than their son Jiang Rui.

Thinking that she was a girl, she would get married sooner or later, and she would not stay with them for long, so the couple's love for her was real.

In addition, Jiang Rui was a boy and had been well-behaved and sensible since he was a child. They did not need to worry about him, so the couple focused more time and energy on Jiang Ying.

Unexpectedly, all the care and concern for pain would lead to such a result.

It is impossible to say that I am not disappointed.

But after many years of raising her, my heart has not completely cooled down at this moment.

Nowadays, everyone who went abroad has disappeared, so she is inevitably worried.

From Jiang's father's and Jiang's mother's point of view, even if the Jiang family really wanted to cut off all contact with Jiang Ying, they still had to get together and break up, so there was no need to go too far.

Here, Leng Su felt uncomfortable after flying, so Jiang Rui asked her to go back to her room to rest.

And he took a lot of evidence and knocked on the guest room where Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were hiding.

"Dong dong dong."

"What are you doing, kid?" Father Jiang looked at Jiang Rui in confusion.

Jiang Rui didn't speak, but silently handed the tablet and some remittance transfer records to Jiang's father and Jiang's mother.

The records of remittance transfers are from Jiang's father to Jiang Ying, and from Jiang Ying to others.

There was a video on the tablet. After Jiang's father clicked to play, some of the content in it also appeared in their eyes.

"None of this really has anything to do with us!"

"We just use people's money to help them eliminate disasters. If you want revenge, don't come to us..."

"Yes, yes, as long as you let us go, we will tell you who bought us to kill you."

In the video, because of these people's bargaining, a group of bodyguards walked towards them and used some very ancient but very effective and bloody torture methods on them...

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