The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1866 The Demon Cult’s “Holy Girl” VS the “Mensao” Senior Brother (2)


Leng Su was cursing how irresponsible the outsider was...


The sound of a sharp sword piercing the air suddenly came.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she found a bright light flashing in front of her, and a golden sword condensed with spiritual power and exuding strong murderous intent was stabbing towards her...

Damn it!

She has just entered the mission and has just received the plot. Can you give her some time to react?

Is it really okay to play so suddenly and so dangerously? ? ?

"Witch, take your life!"

Leng Su had just dodged the opponent's blow when the opponent Biao said such a very classic line.

Another burst of sound came from behind...

Leng Su dodged and quickly adjusted his condition, integrating perfectly with this body and able to use 100% of the demonic energy in this body.

Before the man attacked again, Leng Su quickly mobilized the demonic energy in his body and started to fight and get entangled with the man.


"Bang bang bang."

"Boom boom boom."

As they fought, spiritual power and demonic energy continued to collide, and the palace they were in constantly heard the sound of explosions.

As he was beating this, Leng Su suddenly felt that something was not right...

Hey, why does this cold and handsome guy across from me look so familiar?

Hey, why is the handsome guy not wearing any clothes? It was just wrapped in a sheet?

Hey, the handsome boy actually has disheveled hair and bare feet?

Hey, the little handsome guy's attack looks so familiar, and the sword energy from the little handsome guy looks so familiar...

After careful observation, Leng Su spent some time and energy searching through the memory of the original owner.

After going through a lot of hardships, she finally recognized that the handsome guy opposite her who was having a fierce fight with her seemed to be the male protagonist... Nan Lichen? ? ?

Leng Su: "..."

If she had told her earlier, there would be no need to waste so much of her time!

When she thought of this, Leng Su quickly put away the big move she was planning.

Facing Nan Lichen's fierce attack again, she dodged slightly and reached out to rub Nan Lichen's chest...

"Not bad, this skin is really good, white, tender and smooth..."

Nan Lichen was furious when he felt a numb and itchy feeling on his chest...

Before he could even realize what was happening, he saw Leng Su saying those words with a frivolous look on his face.

Nan Lichen's face darkened, and his whole body became even colder.

He raised the sword in his hand and stabbed Leng Su again...

"You shameless witch!"

Leng Su said amusedly while dodging his attack: "You already said that I am a witch. What kind of face does a witch want?"

"Aren't all witches good at doing evil? I just touched it and took advantage of it. You didn't lose a piece of meat, and you didn't lose your life. Why are you so angry?"

"And...if you hadn't taken the initiative to send me to my door again and again, and even stripped naked and lay on my bed, I might not be able to like you!"

The more Leng Su said, the uglier Nan Lichen's face became, the attacks became more and more fierce, and the murderous intent became stronger...

Seeing that Nan Lichen didn't want to talk nonsense with her, Leng Su didn't stop.

She couldn't waste the opportunity in vain. She had to let him know that the reason why he was inexplicably stripped naked and lying on her bed had nothing to do with her...

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