The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1875 The Demonic Cult’s “Saint Girl” VS the “Sultry” Senior Brother (11)

Facing Nan Lichen's questioning, the face of the Sword Sect leader was extremely weird...

He looked at Nan Lichen with a look of pity, grabbed his hand, and said, "Li Chen, don't ask about this matter."

"Don't think too much. Master has already asked you. Your master is just joking with you."

"Okay, Master, I won't tell you any more nonsense."

With that said, the Sword Sect leader stuffed those defensive spiritual weapons, as well as some powerful offensive spiritual weapons and various talismans into Nan Lichen's arms.

"Li Chen, you see it's getting late now. You'd better go back to practice as soon as possible and try to break through the late stage of Jindan and advance to the Nascent Soul stage as soon as possible."

Seeing that the master of the Sword Sect was unwilling to say anything, Nan Lichen, although full of doubts, did not ask any more questions...

After leaving the Treasure Pavilion, Nan Lichen started practicing as soon as he returned to the cave.

However, before his spiritual power could circulate properly for two rounds, the familiar darkness struck again...

In the blink of an eye, Nan Lichen woke up again.

He looked at the familiar bedroom in front of him, and his whole face turned dark.

He had just escaped and returned to the sect. He had not stayed in the sect for an hour before he returned to the witch's bed... territory!

Nan Lichen looked around, but this time he didn't find Leng Su.

He first vigilantly checked whether his body, his cultivation, the Qiankun Ring, his spiritual sword, etc. were all in good condition.

After a short inspection, Nan Lichen quickly determined.

Apart from his presence in this place, there was nothing wrong with him at all.

So, what is the purpose of his master?

Thinking of this, Nan Lichen's mind suddenly flashed with inspiration, and he couldn't help but think of what his master said in the Treasure Pavilion before.

Could it be that the master threw him to the Demon Cult to train him?

Thinking about it this way, Nan Lichen himself felt that this idea seemed quite reasonable.

Leng Su: "..." Is it reasonable? ? ?

Are you sure there's nothing wrong with this male protagonist's mind?

There are so many golden elixir stage monks, Nascent Soul stage monks, as well as gods-transformation stage, fusion stage, and Zhenzong-level Mahayana stage powerful men in the demon sect.

He, a mere golden elixir stage monk, dared to appear in the Demon Sect. Is he sure he was not here to die?

After thinking about it, Nan Lichen did not stay longer in Leng Su's palace. Instead, he took out the defensive spiritual weapons that the master of the Sword Sect had given him before and put them on.

After putting his natal spiritual sword into his Dantian and hiding it, he walked out of Leng Su's palace with all his vigilance.

Seeing Nan Lichen going out wearing the white Taoist uniform of the Sword Sect, and the feather crown with a small sword carved on top of his head, Leng Su didn't know what to say about this guy...

This male protagonist is really stupid and doesn't know how to adapt.

With his virtue, without her protection, she, Leng Su, could guarantee that once this guy left her bedroom, he would be discovered and killed in a matter of minutes.

When he thought of this, Leng Su had no choice but to follow him secretly.


Just as Leng Su expected, Nan Lichen was discovered by someone from the Demon Cult as soon as she left her bedroom.

"Come here, a monk broke into the saint's palace without permission!"

"Hurry up and capture this monk, and bring the Demon Lord and Saint to justice."

"Let's all come together!"

"A mere monk in the late Golden Core stage actually dares to break into our demon sect without risking his life. I think this kid is getting tired of living!"

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