Seeing that here, he was unable to take down Leng Su. Over there, although Nan Lichen was a little embarrassed by Jing Leizi, his breath was very stable.

Obviously, he was not injured by Jing Leizi, let alone being disabled or having his cultivation damaged...

When he saw Nan Lichen flying towards this side, although the Zuo Guardian felt extremely unwilling, he still made a false attack move towards Leng Suda.

He wanted to take the opportunity to leave, but Leng Su didn't want to be hit at all. Instead, he counterattacked crazily.

At this moment, Nan Lichen also attacked.

Under the double-sided attack of Leng Su and Nan Lichen, the Zuo Guardian's invincibility was particularly obvious.

"Zheng Zheng Zheng."

"Bang bang bang."

In just a few rounds, the two swords in the hands of Leng Su and Nan Lichen stabbed him countless times.

Seeing that the bright red clothes on his body were directly dyed a deep crimson by the blood flowing from his body, and he tried to escape many times without success, the Zuo Protector's face became more and more ugly...

Sensing that these two people wanted to kill him, the Zuo Protector's face became increasingly uglier and his expression became more and more ferocious.

"You want this protector to die? You two don't have that ability yet!"

As the Zuo Protector roared, more than ten thunderbolts were thrown towards him.

Leng Su's pupils shrank violently, and before Nan Lichen could react, she protected him under her body.



"Boom boom boom!"

More than a dozen thunderbolts exploded together, and all the surrounding palaces were destroyed.

Taking advantage of this moment, the Zuo Guardian gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to rush forward and kill Leng Su and Nan Lichen with a sword, and ran away without looking back.

As early as when the first thunderbolt exploded, the surrounding demon cultivators gathered towards this side.

However, after these demon cultivators saw clearly that the people fighting were Leng Su, Zuo Protector, and an unfamiliar demon cultivator, they chose to stand aside and watch the show quietly.

This is demonic cultivation, this is demonic sect...

They are only open to the outside world unless they are facing righteous people.

Once there are no righteous people around, they will fight among themselves.

Although Leng Su is a saint of the demon sect, few people in this demon sect really respect her.

In the Demon Sect, everything speaks for itself with strength!

As long as you are strong, you can challenge other demon cultivators who hold important positions.

Once your challenge is successful, you can take the other person's position in the teaching position.

Today's left and right guardians, as well as the hall masters, captains, etc. under the guardians all rely on their own strength to reach their current positions.

In the entire demon sect, only Leng Su is a special being...

Her position as a saint was sealed by the Demon Lord himself, and it was also said by the Demon Lord himself that in the Demon Sect, the saint is a being who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!

Only Leng Su's position as a saint cannot be taken away by other demon cultivators.

Only Leng Su didn't rely on his own strength to get all the honors he has now.

Therefore, Leng Su actually does not have much deterrent power in the hearts of the demon cultivators.

Her existence is nothing more than a thorn in the side of these demon cultivators.

Because, in this place where strength speaks for itself, there is a special case like her! ! !

It would be strange if she was not targeted and excluded!

Before Leng Su arrived, the original owner was focused on investigating the truth behind the entire Leng family being wiped out. She didn't care at all whether people from the Demon Sect were unhappy with her or dissatisfied with her...

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